22 Nov 2022 XIV AKUTNĚ.CZ Conference On Saturday, 18 November 2022, the 14th AKUTNĚ.CZ conference took place at the Faculty of Medicine of MU, attended by 973 students, doctors and nurses.
24 Oct 2022 For the first time in history, international evaluators assessed research and doctoral studies at the FM From 12 to 14 October, the first-ever international evaluation of research and doctoral studies occurred at the Faculty of Medicine. The panel, consisting of experts from various disciplines and countries, met with the faculty management, heads of more than half of the theoretical and clinical departments and supervisors of doctoral study programmes over three days.
6 Oct 2022 Ph.D. Day as a starting line for your own research All campus faculties and CEITEC joined together for one day to provide PhD candidates with all the necessary information in addition to important motivation.
16 Sep 2022 The world's leading expert in the field of Evidence-Based Medicine, Prof. Holger Schünemann visited FM MU Members of the Czech National Center for Evidence-Based Healthcare and Knowledge Translation (CEBHC-KT, IBA, MED MUNI) had another unique opportunity to learn from one of the best world scientists in evidence-based medicine (EBM), Prof. Holger Schünemann, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada.
18 Aug 2022 Leading plastic surgeons at Conference of a Global Dimension in Brno! Leading plastic surgeons such as Jooon Pio Hong, Geofrey G. Hallock, Jaume Masia or Emanuele Cigna will lecture at the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University!
12 Aug 2022 Australian expert passed on his experience in evidence-based healthcare to employees of FM MU
4 Jul 2022 Studuje a rozjíždí podnikání. Za svůj nápad pomáhat pacientům s roztroušenou sklerózou získala ocenění Start Your Business
28 Jun 2022 Future Dentist and his Colleagues Treated Thousands of Patients in Africa Thanks to a Volunteer Programme Martin Števčina, a 4th-year student of Dentistry at FM MU, participated in the International Voluntary Programme in Rwanda from 15th to 22nd May 2022, organized by the International Association of Dental Students together with their new member Rwanda Dental Students Association. The goal of the programme is to provide oral health care, disease education and prevention, and to supply oral health services to nations with insufficient health care.
27 Jun 2022 Success of Dr. Zuzana Sumbalova Koledova in the first round of ERC Consolidator Grant evaluation Dr. Zuzana Sumbalova Koledova advanced to the second round with her proposal under European Research Council grant aimed at supporting the independent careers of outstanding young scientists in the phase of consolidating their own independent research teams. This is the first ever ERC grant proposal at LF MU to advance to the second round.
22 Jun 2022 From January 2023, the Faculty of Medicine will coordinate a four-year project FANTOM The Faculty of Medicine has become a coordinator of a prestigious MSCA Doctoral Networks project in Horizon Europe. The primary goal of the network is to train the recruited fellows by participation in an internationally competitive research programme and integrating them into the aforementioned networks.