Student Mobility Programmes


Erasmus+ traineeships

The 2nd call for applications for Erasmus+ work placements in programme countries for a duration of between 2 and 12 months is now open.
Deadline: 30 April 2025
Traineeship start date: 1 July 2025 at the earliest
More information can be found on the CIC website.


Do you want to go abroad to study, for an internship, for research or summer school? Take a look at the list of mobility programmes through which your dream can come true.


There is a special insurance arranged for students of FM MU. They can use this insurance if they are going on an official study stay or a traineeship abroad. The stay must be officially filed in the IS MU in advance, i.e. the stay is linked to the study record. For further information please contact the staff of the International Studies Office.


Study Mobilities Under Erasmus+ / Freemover

Information for incoming Freemovers and students under faculty agreements:

(Concerns study stays only)

When your stay at the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University was confirmed either by your home university or one of our mobility coordinators in case of the Freemovers programme, please follow these instructions:

  1. Choose a list of courses from our faculty's list (see above) that you would like to be enrolled in during your stay at our university.
  2. Make sure this list is approved by your home university - so that you can get credits acquired here recognized.
  3. Prepare a Learning Agreement. The LA will be signed by us and your home university coordinator.
  4. In case you need accommodation, follow the instructions in the informative e-mail. We send the email after you fill in our application and after we make a profile for you in our information system.
  5. In the case of students from visa countries, visa documents will be sent to your home university coordinator. You will be added to a "student mode" (a special mode specifically designed for students to speed up their visa application process).
  6. When all the administrative steps are done, come and enjoy your mobility! In case you have any questions or need our signatures, you can meet us during office hours (or by previous agreement via e-mail) in the University Campus Bohunice, B17/221.


Exchange Traineeships / Observerships Under Erasmus+ / Freemover

Please note there is a limited number of traineeships/observerships that can be arranged; for availability, please contact Lucie Vališová. Please respect the application periods below.

APPLICATION PERIOD for traineeships held in the winter semesters (September - January): 1 Jan - 31 May of the current year

APPLICATION PERIOD for traineeships held in the summer semesters (February - August): 1 June - 30 Nov of the previous calendar year


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