Our Mission

The mission of the Faculty of Medicine Masaryk University is to educate new generations of doctors and healthcare professionals, to share their best knowledge and skills and to participate in the development of research and scientific knowledge actively. The pillar of our values lies in respect for people in their diversity and a commitment to provide medical care regardless of their social status, health status or religious beliefs. Our goal is to facilitate the continuous improvement of the quality of life and the conditions for human existence.
We are active in international networks in education, science and public administration. We have long been creators and promoters of themes in health care, education and prevention. We promote these themes in regional, national and international policies.
We are building quality facilities, a stimulating environment and a transparent personnel policy that will be attractive to junior researchers as well as established scientists and clinicians. We see human resource management as key to the dynamic development of the faculty.
Our goal is to make LF MU a successful and internationally recognised institution with excellent research, a clearly defined strong social role and a strongly rooted academic culture. To become a place attractive for career, study and life. We want to continue to be a sought-after partner for collaboration with the academic, healthcare, industrial and public sectors.
teaching and education
We strive to be a leader in medical and non-medical medical education in Central Europe. The MED MUNI is to be perceived as a prestigious and friendly place for studying and building an academic career, attractive for excellent students and teachers.
MED MUNI has always been, is and will be a professional faculty. Therefore, we pride ourselves on taking the utmost care of our undergraduate students, to whom we offer a wide range of opportunities to study medical and non-medical study programmes in both full-time and combined forms. We constantly strive to maintain the high quality of our studies, to innovate and cultivate them. Thanks to excellent theoretical institutes, close links with Brno University Hospitals and other top medical facilities and one of the largest and most modern simulation centres in Central Europe, we manage to keep up with the latest global trends in medicine.
Continuous development of the language competencies of our students, and academic and administrative staff is also a priority. We support international cooperation, student and staff mobility, and other activities leading to enhanced internationalisation.

research and doctoral studies
Doctoral studies and scientific activities at MED MUNI cover the entire spectrum of biomedical research. We want to continue to be a place of innovation in medical education, research and development. Our research activities must reflect the most current trends, follow societal interests and respect the ethical principles of research. In the future, activities related to translating basic research results into clinical practice and establishing international research collaborations should be supported. We see direct support for grant activities and the involvement of as many academics as possible in grant activities as crucial.
We see Ph.D. students as full-fledged young researchers and Ph.D. studies as one of the pillars of the Faculty's scientific research activities. Therefore, we will continue to strive for the development of doctoral studies, with emphasis on the quality of supervisors and candidates, cultivating scientific integrity, and improving the socio-economic status of our doctoral candidates and their involvement in scientific research structures of local and global nature.
academic environment, social role and responsibility
One of our greatest strengths is the openness of the faculty to the surrounding environment. Our priority is to provide a safe, dignified, motivating, respectful and inspiring environment for all students, faculty and staff. We are aware of our social responsibility and that ethical and humanistic values must be preserved and continuously developed. We actively embrace our social role and the responsibility that flows from that role. We are committed to sustainably oriented research and education and to raising awareness leading to a healthy and sustainable society.
The above-mentioned priorities are detailed in the Strategic Plan of the MED MUNI 2021-2028.