General Medicine

General information

Verification of the condition for admission to study of graduates from foreign secondary education programmes

  • is regulated by Masaryk University Directive No. 2/2019
  • detailed information describing the procedure and required documents are provided to applicants after passing the entrance exam 
  • contact person: Zuzana Pilatova, International Studies Office, 

Entrance Exam: Sample Tests and Syllabi

Faculty Bookshop

Foundation programme

Medical Faculty of Masaryk University offers a preparatory course for students who intend to enter studies of General Medicine or Dentistry. The programme provides excellent preparation for the entrance examination and the first year of our General Medicine / Dentistry degree through a well-balanced blend of modules in Chemistry, Biology, and Physics.

More information about Foundation programme

Preparatory Courses

The Medical Faculty of Masaryk University offers three E-learning preparatory courses for students who intend to get ready for the entrance exam for the General Medicine and Dentistry programme in the English language. Biology, Chemistry and Physics can be purchased as separate courses. Each course costs 100 Euro.

More information about preparatory courses

Contacts – International Office

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