Ethical issues

Masaryk University and the Faculty of Medicine are aware of their social responsibility and that ethical values need to be preserved and developed. A comprehensive system of ethical rules and principles, which are binding, has been developed for all members of the academic community, professional and research staff and other employees of the university.

The basic ethical requirements for the conduct of Masaryk University employees with regard to their professional activities are summarised in Masaryk University Code of Ethics. The requirement to observe ethical principles is also contained in the MU Employment Code. Complaints regarding violations of employee and student rights may be forwarded to the MU Ombudsperson. If a violation of ethical principles in research is suspected, a complaint can be filed through the FM Legal Office (or the MU Ombudsperson).

The basic rules of ethics in research at MU are defined in MU Directive 5/2015 Research Ethics at MU.

Ethics at MUNI

Protection of rights at MU

Protection of rights at MU

Respect for human rights and public interest rights forms the foundation of the democratic rule of law. Masaryk University embraces the protection of rights in its Code of Ethics, measures for the implementation of HR Award and other documents. Masaryk University has set up processes to protect rights effectively, impartially and efficiently and to ensure support for as well as protection of whistleblowers and victims of infringement of these rights at Masaryk University.

Protection of rights at MU is governed by the MU Directive No. 1/2023 effective from 1 April 2023.

The university ombuds is JUDr. Eva Janovičová.

More about protection of rights at MU

How to contact the ombuds?

  • by email at:
  • by an online form on this page
  • in person through a pre-arranged consultation with the ombuds
  • through the MU databox ID 9tmj9e4
  • through the central or digital mailroom of MU – you will find more information here
  • by mail at the address of MU “For the attention of the ombuds” – you will find more information here
Reporting according to the Whistleblower Protection Act

Reporting according to Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on the protection of whistleblowers (The Whistleblower Protection Act, hereinafter referred to as the “Act”)

Pursuant to the Act, Masaryk University informs whistleblowers whose rights are protected on the process of reporting.

The benefit of the Act for the whistleblower is their protected status, as whistleblowers must not be subjected to retaliation.

The benefit for Masaryk University is the possibility to reveal potentially harmful procedures and actions in due time.

A whistleblower can be an employee, job applicant, intern, etc.

The Act does not protect the whistleblower in the case of provision of false information.

text of the act

Submissions aimed at the protection of rights


A notification means a submission through which the reporting person addresses MU regarding infringement of their own or other person’s rights. This may include various situations, concerning for example:

  • rights of MU employees ensuing from labour relations,
  • rights of MU students (e.g. the right to study, the right to take exams, the right to a scholarship, the right to enrol, the right to register for courses),
  • bullying (incl. mobbing and bossing),
  • unequal treatment and discrimination,
  • protection of personality (e.g. protection against unjustified interference with honour, dignity, reputation or privacy),
  • sexual harassment,
  • academic integrity,
  • conflict of interest,
  • other situations which are considered by the reporting person as interfering with their rights and affecting their study or work performance.

Notifications are received and processed by the ombuds.

The ombuds does not process requests for information or complaints under Act on Free Access to Information, submissions concerning the protection of personal data and complaints concerning elections to autonomous academic bodies of MU and individual faculties. The ombuds does not make decisions on rights and duties of MU staff and students.

A specific procedure shall apply to:

Notifications of sexual harassment

Notifications concerning sexual harassment are received by contact persons and processed by the ombuds.

More information: What is sexual harassment?

Notification pursuant to Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on the protection of whistleblowers.

Notifications on possible illegal activity, which has elements of a felony; a misdemeanour, for which the Act on the protection of whistleblowers sets the maximum fine rate of at least CZK 100,000; breaches the Act on the protection of whistleblowers or other legal regulation or an EU legislation governing the areas stipulated by § 2 section 1 letter d) of the Act on the protection of whistleblowers.

Notifications are received and processed by the ombuds.

More information: Filing notifications of EU law infringement (whistleblowing)


A complaint means a submission through which the complainant seeks protection of their rights, and which clearly indicates who makes the submission, which matter it concerns and what is proposed. A complaint is also a submission against improper behaviour of officials or against the actions of an administrative body under the Administrative Procedure Code.

How to Complain

In case a violation of the Code of Ethics for Academic and Professional Staff of Masaryk University is suspected, a complaint may be filed with the Chair of the MU Ethics Board.

In the event of any questions regarding obligations arising from legal regulations relating to research ethics issues, the Legal Office may be contacted.

The Head of the Office of the Rector’s Inspectorate MU may be contacted regarding classified information.

In the area of legal protection of databases, TTO lawyers are available for advice.


A petition means a submission in the matters of public or another common interest which is related to the competence of MU and directed at MU in the area of state administration, which meets the requisites stipulated by Act on the Right to Petition.

Petitions are received by the ombuds and processed by a person in charge.

Professional committees to monitor compliance with the formulated ethical principles

Professional committees to monitor compliance with the formulated ethical principles

The basic rules of ethics in research at MU are defined in MU Directive 5/2015 Research Ethics at MU.

The basic principles of research ethics are:

  • freedom of research and responsibility,
  • respect for pluralism of opinion and tolerance,
  • respect for human dignity and autonomy in research,
  • transparency,
  • solidarity and cooperation in research,
  • beneficence and non-maleficence - balancing each risk with a benefit.

Expert advisor for GMO control

The risk assessment of the handling of genetically modified organisms and genetic products is prepared by an expert consultant for GMO control, who also provides information and ensures documents necessary for the handling of GMOs in research carried out at MU according to the relevant legislation.

Research lawyer

The Research Lawyer is an employee of the Legal Department of the MU Rector's Office and specialises in legal issues related to research. He provides consultations to MU staff and students on legal and ethical issues related to research and supervises the application and compliance with applicable legislation and MU internal standards in research conducted within MU.

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