Calls for 2025 launched

The Czech Ministry of Health launched a call for proposals under the Programme for the Support of Applied Health Research for 2025-2028.

Support will be provided to applied research projects. A fundamental criterion is the clear focus on the use of results in healthcare, their applicability, and their demonstrable impact on clinical practice.

Sub-programme 1: The principal investigator must hold an academic degree of Ph.D., its equivalent, or higher at the time of project proposal submission. There is no budget limit.

Sub-programme 2: The principal investigator must have received their Ph.D. no more than 8 years before the year of project proposal submission or will obtain it by the date of the project contract signing at the latest. The budget limit is 7 million CZK.

Proposal preparation

If you are interested in submitting a project, please contact Veronika Weissova. She will provide you with all necessary information, including contacts for the project manager and HR representative.

We have prepared a set of recommendations for you for project preparation titled "Before You Start Writing."

The project application is available online in the ISVP application. To access ISVP, you must have a user account. If you do not have one, Veronika Weissova will set it up for you. During the preparation process, we will conduct ongoing checks of project proposals in the ISVP application, so please assign the role of "Editor" to Veronika Weissova under the "Authorized Persons" tab.

We are happy to discuss your project proposals with you in person or online (including recommendations from evaluations in previous years). If you wish to arrange a consultation, please contact us by June 10, 2024.

The faculty deadline for formal review and approval of projects by the Faculty management is June 19, 2024.


Ethics Board

Submit materials for the Ethics Board via email to the secretary of the Board, Michaela Vaňharová, by June 10, 2024, 12:00 PM. Complete information can be found on the Ethics Board website.


Complete information about the call, including the tender documentation, can be found on the AZV ČR website.

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