National Grants


The programme is aimed at supporting applied medical research, i.e. projects designed to obtain new knowledge directed towards a specific, predetermined practical goal with an expected application of the results in the medical sector.

More information can be found here.

The Faculty of Medicine has extensive experience in the implementation of these projects. It is an attractive grant scheme, so if you would like to find out more about the structure of the AZV programme, please contact us at

Would you like to find out the basic information yourself first? We recommend to follow the latest information. Every year, the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic launches the call in research, development and innovation via the Agency for Health Research of the Czech Republic.


The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) is an independent public organisation supporting basic research throughout all scientific fields from public funds. GACR is the only institution in the Czech Republic, which provides public funding exclusively for basic research projects.

Currently open calls are available on GA CR website.


The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic centralizes state support for applied research and experimental development in order to contribute to the achievement of the strategic, economic and social goals of the Czech Republic. Programmes are aimed at supporting cooperation between research organizations and enterprises and the subsequent use of results in practice.

In addition to national programmes, there are also international cooperation programmes (DELTA 2, KAPPA, ERA-NET Cofunds/European Partnerships) implemented within the TA CR.

Current calls:

Schedule of competitions for 2023 - 2025 can be found here.

Would you like to develop cooperation with your partner companies and then use these results in practice? If you are interested in implementing a TACR project, please contact us at

Would you like to find out the basic information yourself first? You can find more information here.


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