Project information
Identification of Peroxisomes and Their Role in Germinal Cells Protection From Free Oxygen Radicals in Human In Vitro Fertilization
- Project Identification
- NH5164
- Project Period
- 1/1999 - 1/2001
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Health of the CR
- R&D of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Medicine
- doc. MUDr. Jitka Šťastná, CSc.
- Cooperating Organization
University Hospital Brno-Bohunice
- Responsible person doc. RNDr. Jana Žáková, Ph.D.
The aim this project is to identify peroxisomes in human cumulus-oocyte complexes by meons of electron microscopy and cytochemical demonstration of catalase and their reactions on various levels of free oxygen radicalis in cultive environment.
Total number of publications: 31
Výskyt peroxisomů v lidských a myších oocytech a jejich kumulech
Asistovaná reprodukce (Abstrakta 11. sympozia asistované reprodukce), year: 2001
Význam buněk cumulus oophorus pro fertilizaci lidských oocytů in vitro
Scripta medica, year: 2001, volume: 74, edition: 2
Vztahy mezi klinickým výsledkem fertilizace in vitro a sumikroskopickou stavbou cumulus oophorus lidského oocytu
Praktická gynekologie, year: 2001, volume: V., edition: 6
Zdroje peroxidu vodíku v kultivačním systému v průběhu fertilizace in vitro
Asistovaná reprodukce (Abstrakta 11. sympozia AR, Brno), year: 2001
Cytochemical detection of the sites of hydrogen peroxide generation in cumulus cells of the mouse cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COC)
The Histochemical Journal, year: 2000, volume: 32, edition: 10
Cytochemická detekce buněk produkujících peroxid vodíku v lidském cumulus oophorus
Scripta medica, year: 2000, volume: 73, edition: 2
Cytochemický průkaz peroxidu vodíku produkovaného buňkami cumulus oophorus myši.
Scripta medica, year: 2000, volume: 73, edition: 2
Cytochemistry of hydrogen peroxide production by cumulus cells of the human cumulus-oocyte complex (COC)
The Histochemical Journal, year: 2000, volume: 32, edition: 4
Hydrogen peroxide production and cell death in the postovulatory cumulus oophorus-oocyte complex of the mouse
39. sjezd České anatomiské společnosti s mezinárodní účastí, Abstrakta, year: 2000
Hydrogen peroxide production and cell death in the postovulatory cumulus oophorus-oocyte complex of the mouse
Biomedical Papers of the Medical Faculty of Palacký University, Olomouc, year: 2000