Project information
The assessment of true incidence and prognosis after recovery from severe respiratory failure in childhood

Project Identification
Project Period
1/2000 - 1/2002
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Health of the CR
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Medicine
Cooperating Organization
University Hospital Brno-Bohunice
Research Institute of Child Health Brno

Estimated incidence of ARDS is 2-6 patients/100.000 population,incidence of ALI (acute lung injury)is unknown.In spite of "advanced life support" mortality of ARDS is still high (up 60%). It is suprising to find,according to the Central Czech Medical Statistic (UZIS) Dg.J80-ARDS does not exist in chilhood and mortality is zero! The aim of this study is therefore to astimate true incidence and mortality of ALI/ARDS patients in Moravia. There are no available data concerning health-related quality of life after survival ALI/ARDS in childhood.The aim of this part of study is to estimate presence and severity of health and social-well being in childhood. Results of this study will estimate true incidence,prognosis and quality of life of children surviving ALI/ARDS.End point of this study is to estimate range of futher health and social care,which must be provided for these children.

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