Project information
New tools and technologies for peripheral nerve repair and regeneration (TechnoNERVE)


This project doesn't include Faculty of Medicine. It includes Central European Institute of Technology. Official project website can be found on
Project Identification
Project Period
5/2014 - 12/2014
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Masaryk University
MU Faculty or unit
Central European Institute of Technology

Příprava projektu TechnoNerve (Horizon2020)
Podpora je žádaná na pokrytí cestovních výloh na přípravné meetingy.
Před uzávěrkou 1. kola soutěže (10/2014) jsou plánovány konkrétně dva přípravné meetingy, a to v Bruselu (26.-27.5.2014) a Hanoveru (červenec nebo září 2014).

Peripheral nerve trauma is more and more a matter of significant clinical relevance.
Development of new tools and technologies for peripheral nerve repair and regeneration raise important market opportunities.
In previous BIOHYBRID consortium we succeeded in developing an innovative medical device for the reconstruction of short nerve defects and introducing it the EU market.
The TechnoNERVE Consortium has been created to provide innovative technological solutions to address the following complex issues associated to peripheral nerve lesion:
1) To go beyond the present length limits in nerve repair, with the final goal of developing nerve prostheses up to 10 cm.
2) To cope with distal nerve atrophy occurring in case of long-term and delayed nerve regeneration.
3) To modulate the neuro-immune and neo-vascularization response after nerve repair and during regeneration.

The following scientific cues will be addressed to achieve TechnoNERVE goal:
1. The use of chitosan as the basic material for nerve regeneration
2. Regeneration guidance by means of nanostructured aligned scaffolds and 3D design of the regeneration surface
3. Controlled local release of molecules in a spatial and temporal pattern:
3.1.1 by decoration of the regeneration surface
3.1.2 by gene transfer and/or cell transplantation
4. Controlled modulation of the local immune response and vascularisation
Following issues are particularly relevant for this project:
1. Large animal models
3. Fast translation to the clinics and regulatory affaires

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