Project information
Pupils’ skills in biology, geography and chemistry: research into planned, realized and achieved curriculum in implementation phase of curricular reform


This project doesn't include Faculty of Medicine. It includes Faculty of Education. Official project website can be found on
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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2010 - 12/2013
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
skills; curriculum-intended, realized, acquired; education; biology;geography; chemistry
Cooperating Organization
Charles University

The main aim is to propose, on basis of multi-level analysis of skills in terms of intended, realized and acquired curriculum, a structured and linked system of pupils’ skills, which should be acquired in geography, biology and chemistry in primary and secondary schools.


The results of the testing of students of various ages demonstrated that their level of internalization of the assessed
skills is relatively good. Nevertheless, there appear to be discrepancies between the individual skillsets. The skillset
concerned with the asking of scientific question comes off as the least developed. The ability to form conclusion, on
the other hand, emerges as the strongest. Further research is necessary in this direction in order to determine the
level of achievement of all partial skills in the individual skillsets, not only the partial skills put in the tests.
Several obstacles to more successful implementation of the proposed structure of skills emerge from the comparison
of the testimonies of the 27 interviewed teachers. These include, for example, a certain barrier in communication
through an unclear definition of skills or approach to teaching, when the skills apply to teachers and not students. It
also appears that one of the deciding factors in the weak presence of the topic of skills in education is the relative
difficulty in the assessment of skills, when compared with the assessment of knowledge.
The partial outputs of the project were altogether published in 29 publications (Jimp 6, Jneimp 1, Jrec 15, B 1, C 6).
Two further articles are currently in print and will be published in IF journals in spring 2014, and a chapter written by
the team members is going to be featured in a prestigious international monograph. The project’s general concept and
its results framed within a wider context are presented in the monograph by Řezníčková et al. (2013). GA CR evaluation: The main aim of the project (to propose a structured and linked system of pupils´ skills, which should be acquired in
geography, biology and chemistry education) was achieved. The results were published evenly in all areas of education
content. The procedure of project solution was continuously adapted according the needs of the project.


Total number of publications: 33

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