ERC grants

The European Research Council (ERC) is funding the frontier research in Europe through highly competitive calls open to scientists from all over the world at different stages of their careers. Through several funding schemes, the ERC supports new opportunities and directions in different fields of research, without setting any priorities or thematic restrictions. The only criterion for an ERC grant is the scientific excellence of the project proposal and the principal investigator. The standard duration of such a project is 5 years.

If you are considering to apply for an ERC grant, you should get positive answers to the basic questions related to the preparation and implementation of an ERC project.

Would you like to apply for an ERC grant? Contact us.

Which types of grants can I apply for?

ERC Starting Grants (ERC StG)

Who: Early-career scientists (2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD) with high potential and a desire to gain scientific independence and establish their own research groups or programs.

Deadline: 15 October 2024

How much: €1.5 million + 1 million extension

ERC Consolidator Grants (ERC CoG)

Who: Excellent Principal investigators (7-12 years of experience since completion of PhD) seeking to establish scientific independence by creating or consolidating an existing research team.

Deadline: 14 January 2025

How much: €2 million + 1 million extension

ERC Advanced Grants (ERC AdG)

Who: Established scientist, leader and principal investigator seeking long-term funding to pursue a ground-breaking, high-risk project (over 12 years of experience since completion of PhD., track-record of significant research achievement for the last 10 years attached).

Deadline: 29 August 2024

How much: €2.5 million + 1 million extension

ERC Proof of Concept - supporting the innovation potential of ERC grants

Who: ERC grant holders investigating the potential commercial or societal potential of their research.

Deadline: 17 September 2024

How much: 150 000 EUR (1 year)

ERC Synergy grants (ERC SyG)

Who: A group of investigators (2-4) working together to address an ambitious research question and benefiting from a diversity of expertise (usually a multidisciplinary approach).

Deadline: 6 November 2024

How much: up to EUR 10 million + 4 million extension (6 years)

The project proposal is evaluated by a selected panel of experts appointed by the ERC Scientific Board. In the project proposal, the applicant selects a panel that is the most relevant to the subject of the proposed research. If successful in the evaluation of the project proposal, the applicant is invited to present his/her proposal at the evaluation panel meeting in Brussels.

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