Research Network VACCELERATE: Become a part of the volunteer register
Become part of the new EU initiative aiming to mobilize potential volunteers within the European population to participate in clinical studies of vaccines. By doing so, you will contribute to a better understanding and knowledge about COVID-19 immunity within the mass population and specific groups with regard to better future strategies for vaccination and vaccination dosage.

The European network VACCELERATE is calling for volunteers to participate
in clinical trials. The motto for the volunteer registry is: "Be the missing piece of the puzzle. Together we can tackle the COVID-19 pandemic." The register is now approaching 50,000 participants.
VACCELERATE (European Corona Vaccine Trial Accelerator Platform) has been
in existence since spring 2021. Masaryk University is a partner through its research infrastructure CZECRIN. It is involved in implementing phase II and III vaccine trials against COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. The representatives for the Czech Republic are Prof. Petr Husa, MD., PhD (Head of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the Brno University Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine of the Medical University of Brno) and Assoc. Prof. Regina Demlová, MD., PhD (Head of the Institute of Pharmacology, LF MU and principal investigator of the CZECRIN).
Information and links to the individual clinical trials and essential values of the project can be found in the newsletter published in September this year.
CZECRIN je výzkumná infrastruktura podporující realizaci akademického klinického výzkumu v České republice. Jako český uzel Evropské sítě infrastruktur klinického výzkumu ECRIN-ERIC zásadním způsobem přispívá k zapojení akademických institucí do mezinárodního projektu klinického výzkumu.