The fourteenth year of the traditional MEFANET conference will take place by the end of November 2020. Topics will be dedicated to modern teaching methods of medical and health care education in combination with a support of informational technologies.
Workshops, plenary and poster sessions will enable the presenters to introduce realistic performances, concepts in progress, and creative ideas to listeners across the medical and non-medical health care faculties in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic.
The MEFANET project (Medical Faculties NETwork) is aiming to develop and to strengthen the cooperation among Czech and Slovak medical faculties, as regards the progress in education of medical and health care disciplines using modern ICT. The primary objective of the MEFANET project is to facilitate the cooperation among teams from different faculties, and to ensure a horizontal accessibility of electronic teaching tools for both teachers and students. The MEFANET project is certainly not meant to affect or control teaching activities at individual faculties: all targets of the MEFANET project fully respect the independence of individual faculties.
The MEFANET network covers all medical faculties among the Czech Republic and Slovakia and it is driven by the MEFANET Coordinating Council, which is composed of representatives of all participating members. In 2012 health care faculties have joined the MEFANET educational network and they are coordinated by a separate the Health care sciences Coordinating Council.