Cooperative Partnerships
These are cooperation projects of at least three institutions from three EU and EEA countries with the aim of improving the quality of higher education. The projects last from 12 to 36 months, the applicant chooses a budget in the form of lump sum at the level of 120/250/400 thousand EUR. The deadline for submitting applications is March 23, 2022.
Capacity Building
This part of the programme is aimed at raising the level of higher education in third countries. Projects must reflect the specific needs of the institutions involved in third countries and regional specificities. Projects usually last 24 or 36 months, the budget varies according to the size of the consortium and the length of the project between 200 and 800 thousand EUR. The deadline for submitting applications is February 17, 2022.
Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills
The aim of this part of the programme is to develop new strategic approaches for the development of transferable skills. Applications can be submitted by consortia of at least 12 partners from 8 European countries (at least 5 labour market entities and 5 educational institutions). The implementation of projects takes 4 years, the budget is 4 million EUR. 1 project will be supported in the Health ecosystem. The deadline for submitting applications is September 15, 2022.