Study Programmes Presentation

Faculty of Medicine has accredited 14 doctoral study programmes. All these study programmes are accredited both in Czech and in English language, and in full-time as well as combined form, which enables the students to combine PhD studies with employment. The decision about an announced topic, form, and language of the studies is in the competence of the Doctoral Board.

Below you can find a list of programmes with links for more information about each programme.

Anesthesiology, Intensive Medicine and Pain Management

This programme aims to train high-quality, independent, scientific and academic professionals in three primary sub-specialisations: Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Algesiology, but also extending into inter-disciplinary collaboration (e.g. Clinical Pharmacology).

The graduates are expected to be able to conduct independent scientific tasks and develop research procedures. In a large number of cases, the clinical practice is supported by basal or pre-clinical research.

Due to the nature of the field in question, the spectrum of research topics is remarkably wide.

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Bioethics is an interdisciplinary field which studies the ethical, legislative, and social aspects of both biomedicine and biotechnologies.

These aspects are represented by the 4 modules of the doctoral Bioethics studies: Humanities Module, Medically-Scientific Module, Legislative Module, and Sociological Module. As a continuation of the preceding (Master's Programme) studies, the student is assigned to the corresponding module.

The primary objective of the Bioethics study discipline is to prepare independent professionals who are capable of reflecting upon the ethical, legislative, and social aspects of both biomedicine and biotechnologies, based on their primary field of specialisation.

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Biomedical Sciences

The long-term and well established PhD programme in Medical Biology and Anatomy, Histology and Embryology in close cooperation with a CEITEC Ph.D. school and ICRC (The International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne's University Hospital Brno) established an innovative, interdisciplinary, fast-growing, and internationally-oriented PhD School in Biomedical Sciences.

The aim of the doctoral degree programme is to train top experts in specialized scientific disciplines studied at the Faculty of Medicine at Masaryk University and a science centre CEITEC. At the same time, the programme provides graduates with such an extensive knowledge of methodological approches that their careers are not limited only to the field in which they write their PhD thesis. Graduates are ready for scientific careers in academic institutions as well as in companies with scientific background and in healthcare facilities and they can also work as specialist lecturers.

  • Currently there are more than 30 Ph.D. students assigned to the Ph.D. programme.

  • In general, 50% of the Ph.D. students are international of various nationalities (Italian, Latvian, Romanian, Indian, Spanish etc.)

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Dentistry and Otorhinolaryngology

The primary objective of the doctoral degree programme is to deepen the theoretical knowledge and develop the ability to perform independent creative tasks in the field of basic and applied research in the context of the Otorhinolaryngology and Dentistry disciplines in the students. Through the study of theoretical and applied courses; the preparation, processing, and presentation of the doctoral doctoral thesis; the students will display their abilities to conduct independent scientific tasks, to justify their results, and publish them in prestigious Czech and international journals.

The graduates of the DDP should be prepared to continue their scientific careers at academic institutions.

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Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology

After the students complete all of the required courses from the first year of studies, their individual study plans are further designed to ensure they will focus on literary research and compose the theoretical segment of the doctoral thesis in the second year and also to ensure they are involved in pedagogical activities.

Furthermore, the individual plans are eventually allowing them to complete some of the elective courses and apply for the final state doctoral examination. In the third year of studies, the primary focus is the collection of data for the practical segment of the doctoral thesis and also the presentation of partial results at academic conferences. Simultaneously, the students are encouraged to become involved in pedagogical activities.

In the fourth year, the students are expected to focus on the publication of their results, for the reason that the acceptance of an article by academic journals, especially those with a measured impact factor, usually takes at least one year from its submission. They should also complete their doctoral thesis and, after their publications are accepted, apply for the admission to the defence of the doctoral thesis, and thus successfully finish their doctoral studies.

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Imaging Methods and Medical Physics

The program aims to prepare top experts in the field of radiology, nuclear medicine, medical physics and some areas of biomedical engineering and in the disciplines developed within the Biophysical Institute of Medical fakulty and in cooperation with clinics of the Faculty Hospital Brno (KRNM LF MU, KZM LF MU and KDR LF MU). Graduates should be prepared primarily for further scientific careers in academic institutions, but also for potential employers in research facilities, health care facilities, and as lecturers.

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Internal Medicine

"To prepare Ph.D. student for a practical scientific life"

The aim will be a maximal internationalisation and cooperation abroad on scientific work and publications, with the aim of maximal publications in English and journals with IF, interdisciplinary cooperation and specialisation and cooperation of clinical part and theoretical part of the PhD studies. The purpose is a maximal improvement of PhD. works. The absolvents should be prepared for practical scientific work.

Programme specialization:

  • Cardiology
  • Dermatovenerology
  • Internal Diseases

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Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology

Programme specialization:

  • Medical Microbiology and Immunology
  • Pathology and Forencis Medicine

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The primary objective of the Neuroscience doctoral degree programme is to prepare independent scientific and academic staff for the disciplines of General Neuroscience, Neurology, and Psychiatry. All of the mentioned disciplines benefit from the growth of knowledge regarding the relationship between the brain and behaviour. This knowledge requires a deep understanding of the Biological, Technical, Psychological, and Clinical fields, as well as many sociological and humanities disciplines. For this reason, the main characteristic attribute of the Neuroscience programme is the support of such necessary inter-disciplinary interaction. The successful graduation from the Neuroscience DDP allows the students to continue their academic careers through the habilitation and appointment procedure for the Neurology, Psychiatry, and Neuroscience disciplines.

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Oncology and Hematology

Programme specialization:

  • Experimental Oncology and Tumor Biology
  • Hematology
  • Solid Tumors

The programme’s goal is to develop students into top specialists in specific scientific disciplines dealing with oncology and hematology. Graduates should be ready to take on further scientific careers in academic institutions or in health care facilities.

The program actively supports its graduates in pursuing their scientific careers even further by encouraging long-term stays in post-graduate positions abroad. The individual facilities involved in activities of the program cover a broad spectrum of oncology and hematology research areas in which doctoral students are trained.

Practical training

Practice is gained both by work in the research group in which the student is involved, in shared infrastructure, in the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) and in case of clinical specializations in partner health institutions (Masaryk Oncological Institute, University Hospital Brno, St. Anne's University Hospital).

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The paediatrics degree programme is a four-year study programme focusing on the study of diseases occurring in childhood, and the methods of reinforcing the positive development of health in children. The understanding of the larger context of proper diagnosis, therapy, and research, is especially encouraged in students. The student will learn how to gather scientific data and process it in order to decide on the correct specific method of therapy and prevention of specific diseases and predispositions. During their studies, the students will acquire the ability to critically analyse the applied methods and to process, interpret, and present scientific data. The students should be able to invent further developments for the discipline area relevant to the specific focus of their doctoral thesis. The primary objective of the programme is to prepare the finest experts in specific scientific fields, which are expanded upon under the Paediatrics discipline and all of its components.

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"The power of truth reinforced with the light of knowledge is insuperable."

J.A. Comenius.

The primary objective of the degree programme is to prepare independent pharmacologists working in the areas of experimental, translational, reverse translational or applied clinical research, or eventually working as independent academic experts who can apply their knowledge and experiences in pedagogical activities.

The graduates will publish the results of their doctoral thesis in excerpted journals and also present them at academic conferences.

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Physiology, Pathological Physiology, Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry

The primary objective of the Physiology, Pathologic Physiology, Medical Chemistry, and Biochemistry degree programme is to prepare qualified professionals in scientific tasks in the fields of medical, physiological, pathophysiological, chemical, and biochemical sciences.

The doctoral degree programme develops the skills of excellent master's degree graduates of medical, veterinary, pharmaceutical or natural science disciplines. Those skills include the ability to perform independent creative tasks in the area of research, development, and implementing clinical applications. Therefore the studies are focused on the deepening of their theoretical foundations and introducing them to modern discoveries in the fields of Biochemistry, Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Biology while focusing on practical applications in medical sciences.

The graduates of the field are encouraged to continue their scientific-pedagogic careers at universities or clinical medicine fields. They can also work in research institute laboratories focusing on Biochemistry, Physiology, and all related sciences, as independent developer staff.

There are two specialisations available in the programme - Physiology and Pathological Physiology, and Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry.

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Surgery and Reproductive Medicine

The graduates of the doctoral degree programme Surgery and Reproductive Medicine are primarily prepared for the further development of their scientific careers at various institutes, but they are also prepared to eventually work in medical facilities or as academic lecturers.

In case the graduate chooses to further their scientific career, they receive support in taking a part in internships at prestigious institutes.

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