Researchers´ Night 2024 in pictures

This year´s Researchers´ Night attracted 3,500 visitors to the campus. The Faculty of Medicine had 14 + 1 booths prepared for them.

1 Oct 2024 Václav Tesař

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This year, the Researchers´ Night attracted almost 90,000 people across the country, making the Czech Republic the leading European country in terms of attendance relative to population. Masaryk University also regularly participates in the largest popularisation event of its kind, with the campus presenting not only the local faculties and scientific research institutions, but also the faculties of pharmacy and economics, and the Language centre.

Of the 170 or so stations that Masaryk University's booths set up for this year's event, almost half of them were located on campus. Fourteen of them were directed by the Faculty of Medicine, and those interested could listen to one of seven engaging lectures in the B22 auditorium or go for a tour of the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute. In total, three and a half thousand science-hungry visitors headed to the university campus on the last Friday in September.

The atmosphere of the Researchers´ Night 2024 was captured by the faculty´s photographer Dominik Hajko, but also by Czech Television, in three reports: in the main Události, in Události v regionech and in the newscast of ČT 24.

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