Special Grant for Short-term Placements
Students who want to go abroad on short-term placements outside any other exchange programme can make use of financial support from the Special Grant for Short-term Placements. The grant is offered by the Centre of International Cooperation (CIC). The home faculty must consent to the placement by signing the Learning Agreement for Traineeships/Training Agreement (TA). It is possible to go on a working placement to any country in the world, with the length of the placement limited from 5 to 30 days (in total).
Participation Conditions
- Studying in a full-time or part-time accredited bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral programme at MU, and in the time of submitting the application having finished at least the first semester of bachelor’s studies at MU.
- Compatibility of the study programmes at MU and at the chosen foreign university, which means that the faculty confirms that the course taken will be recognised as part of the study plan at MU (Learning Agreement, Training Agreement).
- Studies at the MU home faculty may not be interrupted or cancelled during the time of receiving the grant and in the time of payment of the grant.
- The minimum number of credits gained for this placement is 1 ECTS, but the number of credits gained should correspond to the length of the placement and its content.
- The programme requires of MU students that after completion of the placement they submit an application for recognition of courses/placements from a foreign placement. You can find further information here. Not submitting the required documents for recognition of courses will be seen as not fulfilling the conditions for the award of a grant and the grant has to be returned.
- A grant is not provided for studies in the country of origin/permanent residence of the student.
- A student can only submit one application within one call.
- The application can also be submitted for mobilities already finished this calendar year which meet the other conditions of the programme.
Application deadlines for the 2025 scholarship programme:
- 15 February 2025, or until funds are exhausted
placements in calendar year 2025
Arrange your work placement with your destination well in advance of the deadline and agree on the conditions of acceptance. You must know the following details: the exact dates of the placement, the name and address of the foreign institution, the scope of the work placement, the contact person, the mentor and the supervisor (these three roles can be represented by one person).
- Prepare a Learning Agreement for Traineeship (LAT). The document is created electronically through the ISOIS system as part of the online application for the scholarship. It must be signed by all three parties - the student, the departmental coordinator at MED MUNI, and the supervisor at the foreign institution. In exceptional cases, it is possible to upload a completed and signed PDF document - LAT; mainly for overseas mobilities)
Departmental coordinators at MED MUNI:
General Medicine, Dentistry: doc. MUDr. Lubomír Křivan, Ph.D.Signatures are arranged by Zuzana Pilátová from International Studies Office. The Agreements (as well as other documents that you need later) should be sent to zpilatova@med.muni.cz.
Fill out the grant application form. The application for the Special Grant for Short-term Placement is submitted electronically (choose the item Freemover – Special grant short-term mobilities 5 - 30 days in Choose programme). It should be filled out in Czech or English.
The application form must contain mandatory attachments, which are uploaded in PDF format. The attachments are as follows:
Letter of acceptance (scan) or any other acceptance document (for example, e-mail).
Learning Agreement for Traineeship – filled in in IOSIS electronically). It must be signed by the host institution and all the parties at MUNI (the Departmental Coordinator - Vice-Dean Krivan and Zuzana Pilatova from the International Studies Office). The guide for the electronic Learning Agreement for Traineeship completion is posted here. Exceptionally, you can use the form (see point 2 above).
Academic justification of mobility
- attach as a pdf document to the online application, appendix No. 1, max. 300 words
- state all the relevant (academic) reasons why you are applying for the grant, including information on already granted grants/applications for grants supporting the placement for which the student is submitting this application
- Create a record of your internship in the IS (STUDENT → INTERNSHIPS AND STAYS → CREATE A NEW STAY (contact person: Vice-Dean Křivan / Vice-Dean Pokorna; administrator: your study officer). You can edit this record, add the required documents and finally apply for recognition of your stay abroad via this record.
- Upload the fully confirmed LAT to this record.
Once the stay has been established, you will receive a travel insurance policy from the University in the mail.
- If changes to the training agreement in the work placement occur, a Changes to LAT document must be completed and signed again by all three parties and uploaded to the IS placement record.
- If you are completing a pre-graduation practice during the placement abroad, have a logbook confirmed with a record of each procedure. This document must be signed at the end by a representative of the foreign institution, dated the same or earlier than the end of the internship, and uploaded to the internship record.
- At the end of your internship, have the document you will need upon your return confirmed: Traineeship Certificate
- Apply for recognition of the course as indicated on the Confirmation of Placement. More information can be found here.