
Suitable for stays of 30 days or more in any country in the world. The scholarship is administered by the Centre of International Cooperation (CIC) of Masaryk University and awarded for a minimum of one month and a maximum of one semester.

Participation Conditions
  • Studying on an accredited full-time or combined MU study programme.
  • The programme is open to students at bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral level. At the time of submitting the application the student must have completed at least the first semester of bachelor’s studies.
  • A condition of participation is compatibility of the study programme at MU with the selected foreign university. The home faculty must confirm to the student that the completed course will be recognised as part of the study plan.
  • The student must demonstrate knowledge of the foreign language in which they will study. This does not apply to PhD students, as long as English is the language of the placement.
  • The student must transfer from abroad 20 ECTS per semester (in case of study placements); the work placements are awarded with lower number of ECTS according to the length or content of the traineeship.
  • It is possible to travel with this grant once during bachelor’s, once during master’s and once during doctoral studies. If there is a lack of suitable applicants this grant can be offered repeatedly.
  • The grant is not available for studies in the country of origin/permanent residence of the student.
  • The grant is not intended for extended placements which began as part of another programme (e.g. Erasmus+, CEEPUS, etc.)
  • This programme requires of MU students that after completion of their placement that they submit an application for the recognition of courses/credits from the foreign placement; you can find further information here.
  • The student must add all the documents requested before the start of foreign studies and after their completion, and their non-provision will be taken as not fulfilling the conditions for the award of a grant.
  • Studies at the MU home faculty must not be interrupted or ended throughout the whole period of drawing the grant.
  • The scholarship is awarded for a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of 1 semester.


The programme for freemovers is intended for students who arrange their own study or research stay at a foreign university outside any exchange programme of Masaryk University (e.g. Erasmus+) or outside any intergovernmental, inter-university or inter-faculty agreements. Freemovers can choose from universities all over the world, but both the home faculty/department and the foreign university must agree to the study stay. Each foreign university has different rules for accepting freemovers - some do not accept them at all, some require payment of tuition fees, others openly welcome freemovers.

Information on the experiences of students who have made use of the grants for Freemovers to study at a wide range of foreign universities can be found here here (only in Czech).


The programme for freemovers is also intended for students who want to complete a one- to four-month traineeship abroad as part of their studies at Masaryk University and do not have the opportunity to use other funding (e.g. through the Erasmus+ programme, from the faculty, etc.). As a freemovers you can travel to any country in the world for your internship.

You can find out about the students who went on placements as Freemovers can be found here (only in Czech).

Application deadlines for the 2025 scholarship programme:

  1. Arrange your study or work placement with your destination well in advance of the Freemovers grant deadline. You must know the following details: the exact dates of the placement, the name and address of the foreign institution, the scope of the work placement/study placement, the contact person, the mentor and the supervisor (these three roles can be represented by one person).

  2. Prepare a Learning Agreement (for study placement) or a Learning Agreement for Traineeship (for work placement). These documents are filled in online in ISOIS as part of the electronic application for the scholarship and must be signed by all three parties - the student, the departmental coordinator at LF MU and the supervisor at the foreign institution.(Exceptionally you can upload a completed PDF document; mainly for overseas placements - LA / LAT).  

    Departmental coordinators at MED MUNI:
    General Medicine, Dentistry: doc. MUDr. Lubomír Křivan, Ph.D.
    Health Science degree programmes: prof. PhDr. Andrea Pokorna, Ph.D.

    Signatures are arranged by Zuzana Pilátová (IO). LA or LAT should be sent to
  3. The application for the grant is submitted electronically 

    The application form does not have to be completed in English. For names, addresses, etc. use diacritical marks where needed. In the year column give the actual year of study at MU.

  4. The application form must contain mandatory attachments, which are uploaded in PDF format. The attachments are as follows:


  • Letter of acceptance (or email or other proof of acceptance)
  • Motivation letter (in Czech/Slovak or English, max 1 A4) – has to contain:
    • addressee CZS, signed by the student
    • request for financial support from the Freemovers programme
    • the field of study, level and the year in which the applicant is registered
    • the reason for the host institution selection
    • what the content of the traineeship will be and why
    • direct relation to the student's field of study
    • benefits of the traineeship for the student – academic benefits, job opportunity benefits
    • benefits for Masaryk University
    • benefits for the host institution
    • the period of the traineeship for which the student is asking for financial support
    • in the case of selection of agencies and public institutions from the student's country of origin, i.e. cultural institution, Czech centres, region/school representation, etc., it is necessary to justify the selection of the institution considering the internationality of the traineeship
  • Learning Agreement (LA), or Preliminary Study Plan filled in and signed by the student and their departmental coordinator – the plan includes the courses of the host university in which the student is interested; this list is not yet binding for any study;  you can find the form in the ISOIS application; the guide to complete the LA is posted here
  • Copy of proof of knowledge of the language in which you will study:
    • the results of language examinations at MU (the results of language exams at MU will be recognised based on Academic Records in IS, other documents are voluntary)
    • confirmation from the MU Language Centre (Language Proficiency Report)
    • results of international examinations (e.g. for English FCE, CAE or TOEFL)
    • if you have no English language certification you can take a test at the CZS, further information here
    • a record of results from previous studies in the given foreign language is also recognised (e.g. if you have already studied abroad as part of Erasmus)
    • a student, who is in the first semester of study and who previously studied at a different school attaches the Transcript of Records or the supplement to the diploma from the preceding studies.


  • Learning Agreement for Traineeship (LAT) signed by all three parties - filled in  electronically in ISOIS, exceptionally upload a completed PDF document (see Point 2 above)
  • Motivation letter (in Czech/Slovak or English, max 1 A4) – has to contain:
    • addressee CZS, signed by the student
    • request for financial support from the Freemovers programme
    • the field of study, level and the year in which the applicant is registered
    • the reason for the host institution selection
    • what the content of the traineeship will be and why
    • direct relation to the student's field of study
    • benefits of the traineeship for the student – academic benefits, job opportunity benefits
    • benefits for Masaryk University
    • benefits for the host institution
    • the period of the traineeship for which the student is asking for financial support
    • in the case of selection of agencies and public institutions from the student's country of origin, i.e. cultural institution, Czech centres, region/school representation, etc., it is necessary to justify the selection of the institution considering the internationality of the traineeship

5. Criteria for the selection of candidates:

The final results of the selection process will be announced to applicants by email within one month after the application submission deadline.

IMPORTANT! Submitting your application does not mean that it will automatically be approved and granted financial support – a proper selection process must take place.

6. Your duties before, during, and after a mobility


Once the stay has been established, you will receive a travel insurance policy from the University via email.


entire information on Freemover study stays

entire information on Freemover traineeships

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