Health Care


We recommend registering with a GP as soon as you arrive to Brno. Find the list of English speaking practitioners below. Register early, so you avoid searching for a GP once you are unwell and need a treatment. Always call/email first!


Students need to get a Czech insurance (VZP insurance company) in order to get their treatment paid by the scheme. Otherwise, you will pay in cash. Please consult your insurance company, or directly the VZP for more information:

Unless it's urgent, we recommend making an appointment in advance on the phone. Don't forget to take the insurance card, number or any document proving your insurance.


Always take a medical note if you happen to miss your class due to an illness or a doctor's appointment. You will need to upload the note into the IS, once applying for an apology of absence. 


ALL students must be vaccinated against Hepatitis B by the 2nd year of studies (before practicing in hospitals). Students have to arrange it individually with their general practitioner (if they have not been vaccinated yet). 

Hepatitis B is vaccinated in the following scheme 0.-1.-6. months and one dose costs approx. 800 CZK.

General Practitioner

MUDr. František Rolinek

Orlí 30, 602 00 Brno
Building of Czech Post
phone: +420 542 219 456

Please, always make an appointment by phone/e-mail first!



Psychological Consultancy

PhDr. Pavel Humpolíček, Ph.D.

office: bldg. A19/128
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno

Show on the map


Psychological Crisis Centre at the Faculty Hospital Brno

Jihlavská 20
625 00 Brno


MUDr. Jan Kocanda

Orto Poul spol. s r.o.
Merhautova 142, 613 00 Brno


Emergency Cases

If you are faced with an urgent need for medical attention at a time when doctors’ offices are not open, you should go to the one of the followings emergency service:


Medicines & Pharmacy

Most of the medicines available elsewhere can be obtained here, though not necessarily in every pharmacy. In case you need some kind of medicine in the evening, at night or over the weekend, when shops are normally closed, there is a non-stop pharmacy located conveniently in the centre of the city, just off náměstí Svobody, at Koliště 47.

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