Porovnání keratometrických hodnot a excentricit rohovek u myopie, hypermetropie a emetropie

Title in English Comparison of Keratometric Values and Corneal Eccentricity of Myopia, Hyperopia and Emmetropia

BENEŠ Pavel SYNEK Svatopluk PETROVÁ Sylvie

Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká a slovenská oftalmologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web http://www.prolekare.cz/ceska-slovenska-oftalmologie?confirm_rules=1
Field ORL, ophthalmology, stomatology
Keywords corneal eccentricity keratometry corneal topography refractive error
Description Purpose: The aim of this work is to compare the findings of keratometric values and their differences at various ametropias. The eccentricity of the cornea in the sense compared to the possible influence of refraction of the eye is topographically observed. Groups of myopia, hyperopia and emmetropia are always represented 100 subjects, i.e. 600 eyes. Methods: The studied cohort a total of 300 clients enrolled. To measure the steepest and the flattest meridian and to determine corneal eccentricity was used autorefraktokeratometer with Placido disc. Results: Group A consisted of 100 myopes (n = 200), 35 men and 65 women, average age 37,3 years. Objective refractive error - sphere: -2,9 D, cylinder: -0,88 D. Keratometry in this group is as follows: radius of curvature of the cornea in the front area of the steepest meridian 7,62 mm and the flattest meridian is 7,76 mm. The mean eccentricity was 0,37. Group B consisting of 100 hyperopic subjects (n = 200), 40 men and 60 women, average age 61,6 years. Objective refraction in this group - sphere: +2,71 D, cylinder: -1,0 D. Corneal surface curvature in two main sections according keratometric measurement looks as follows: the steepest meridian is 7,67 mm, the flattest meridian then 7,81 mm. The value of the mean eccentricity for these hundred hyperopes is 0,37. The third group C consists of 100 emetropic subjects (n = 200), then clients without refractive errors who achieve without corrective aids Vmin = 1,0. This group is composed of 42 men and 58 women, mean age 41,4 years. Measured values of objective refraction - sphere: +0,32 D, cylinder: -0,28 D. Keratometry values are: the steepest meridian is 7,72 mm, the flattest meridian is 7,83 mm. The mean eccentricity is represented by the observed values of 0,36. Due to the validity of the results from the groups as unsuitable respondents with corneal astigmatism greater than -1,0 D were subsequently eliminated. Conclusion: Keratometry as well as topography is one of the fundamental methods of measuring corneal anterior surface. Their proportions are essential for the proper parameters selection, especially with contact lenses as one of the possible means intended to correct refractive errors.

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