Bimodal size distributed silver nanoparticles on copper substrate: in situ heat treating under air and protective atmospheres

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Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference NANOTECH 2011
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web NANOTECH 2011, Advanced materials, Chapter 3, Nanoparticles Synthesis@Aplycations
Field Physical chemistry and theoretical chemistry
Keywords aggregation; silver; sintering; nano; heat effect; DSC; FTIR; TEM
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Description Silver bimodal nano-suspension was prepared by a wet synthetic route. Organic cover protected the particles. Interaction with copper substrate was monitored. The phenomena starting with temperature activation of the free surface of metallic nanoparticles and finishing with the formation of a bulk layer of Ag in between two Cu substrate were monitored by different in situ methods of thermal analyse, microscopy and conductivity measurement. This monitoring was carried out under different outer gas conditions. An important outcome is the estimation of heat effect, which is produced during low-temperature sintering and aggregation of the Ag nanoparticles.
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