Sbírka řešených příkladů z fyzikální chemie - komlexní pohled na chemickou kinetiku

Title in English A Collection of Solved Physical Chemistry Examples - a Complex View of Chemical Kinetics


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XXVII. mezinárodní kolokvium o řízení vzdělávacího procesu
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords education; chemistry physical chemistry; chemical kinetics; pharmacokinetics; kinetics of nuclear changes; calculations
Description The article gives information about parts IVa (chemical kinetics, kinetics of nuclear changes) and IVb (pharma-cokinetics) of a 6-parts collection Solved Physical Chemistry Examples. As the other parts of the collection, also part IV is based on lecture notes L. Kišová, L. Trnková: Příklady z fyzikální chemie, PřF MU, Brno 1991. It has been extended to related themes: kinetics of nuclear changes and pharmacokinetics, that are usually mentioned separately and that is why the students do not understand their relationship. The part IVb is one of the first Czech textbooks on pharmacokinetic calculations (till now there were just only textbooks of theory of pharmacokinetics). Both the parts (IVa, IVb) are important because of their accent on common base of chemical kinetics, kinetics of nuclear changes and pharmacokinetics. This way, the text tries to support interdisciplinary thinking of the students.

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