Úrazy břicha u dětí - identifikace, základní principy klinické rozvahy a léčby

Title in English Abdominal solid organ injuries in children - identification, basic principles of clinical evaluation and management


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česko-slovenská pediatrie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web https://www.prolekare.cz/casopisy/cesko-slovenska-pediatrie/2024-1-2/urazy-bricha-u-deti-identifikace-zakladni-principy-klinicke-rozvahy-a-lecby-136454
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.55095/CSPediatrie2024/005
Keywords child; surgery; solid organ injury; sonography; hemorrhagic shock; non-operative management
Description Abdominal trauma represents a significant type of injury in childhood, the majority being of a blunt mechanism. Organs the most commonly involved are spleen, liver and kidney. If not recongnised and managed in optimal timely manner, these injuries endanger a patient with acute haemorrhagic shock or subsequent development of infectious complications. To identify the source of bleeding and the grade of the injury, it is essential to provide an appropriate clinical as well as radiological examination, the most commonly used modalities being FAST and contrast – enhanced computer tomography (CT). In children, the majority of solid organ injuries are managed conservatively (non-operative management, NOM). For this approach, the haemodynamic stability of a child and appropriate monitoring are crucial conditions. Regarding the invasive management, both intervention radiology and surgery are possible (based on the the services available). In isolated solid organ injury the prognosis is usually good. However, if a part of polytrauma, solid organ injuries increase the mortality in children.

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