Institutions of Ageing Men Relations of Power, Care, and Lack of Them

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Year of publication 2024
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description Societies are ageing and this process is gendered. Yet, we know very little about ageing of men as they are often not named as a gendered category. The presentation aims to challenge this approach by addressing the topic critically, providing work-in-progress insight into a research study, an intersectional analysis of social institutions connected to aging men and masculinities, situated in the context of the Czech Republic. Its design is based mainly on qualitative fieldwork. It addresses the process of ageing as a reflected gendered practice along a chosen analytical logic of intersecting power and care relationships. Answers to the research question “How do Czech men do gender, age and ageing in selected social contexts?” provide better understanding of the dynamics of relations in later lives. Powerful as well as marginalising relations of men as they age are scrutinised together with caring and being cared for.
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