Mapping the Health Education Knowledge of Primary School Pupils in the Czech Republic


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Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Life in Health 2019: Research and Practice. Proceedings of the International Conference held on 5 – 6 September 2019
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web Odkaz na publikaci na MuniSpace
Keywords questionnaire; protection; emergency situations; health promotion; first aid; prevention; risk; sexuality; school; health education; research; education; health; pupil; student; lifestyle
Description Health Education helps pupils to develop and protect physical, mental and social health in a holistic context, teaches them how to be responsible for their own and others’ health. There are six key areas related to interpersonal relationships: changes in human life and their reflection, lifestyle and health care, health risks and their prevention, values and health promotion, personal and social development. The aim was to map the knowledge of a sample of 9th grade elementary schools pupils on Health Education. The results of this research will serve as feedback to improve the quality of teaching Health Education at elementary schools. Quantitative research was carried out in the 2018/2019 spring term using an anonymous questionnaire of 100 items compiled by the authors based on the content and outputs of the subject Health Education. It covered 5 key areas and included 600 pupils from the 9th grade of 16 intentionally selected elementary schools from the regions of Southern Moravia, Moravian-Silesia, Central Bohemia and Prague. The collected data were sorted out and statistically analysed. The surveyed students received an average of 70.2 points out of 100 in a questionnaire. We can say that the level of knowledge of Health Education is practically equal in boys and girls. The knowledge of pupils in the sample varies regionally and also among schools in one area. The pupils of the most successful school achieved on average of 83.2 correct answers, while the least successful schools achieved only 47.2. The most significant differences in knowledge are apparent in the pupils from the elementary schools in Brno and its surroundings. The level of knowledge of pupils from the city of Ostrava and its surroundings is more even. Pupils showed the most knowledge in human sexuality, assistance for people in emergency situations, health and first aid. Poor knowledge was found in healthy lifestyles, and the least knowledge in health risks and prevention. It is important to teach pupils to understand what is beneficial and harmful to their health. The research has shown that there are significant regional differences in pupils’ knowledge, as well as in their rate of success in mastering issues in Health Education. There is room for improvement in the quality of teaching, thus the students can better acquire the presented knowledge.
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