Psychometrické vlastnosti dotazníku GPP-I : vliv formátu odpovědí

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Title in English Psychometric characteristics of the GPP-I questionnaire : the impact of the response format


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sociální procesy a osobnost 2013 : včera, dnes a zítra
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Psychology
Keywords Gordon personal profile; NEO-PI-R; response format; psychometric characteristics
Description The aim of the study was preliminary evaluation of psychometric characteristics of the Gordon personal profile - Inventorium (GPP-I) and exploration of the impact of the response format on measurement results. The original version of the test consists of 38 quartets of descriptive statements. Respondent is instructed to choose one of the four statements, which describes him/her the best and one that describes him/her the least. The author of the questionnaire assumed that the forced choice format is less sensitive to social desirability bias and leads to higher reliability of the measurement. However, this response format has disadvantage in mutual dependence between responses to items and also in prolonged questionnaire completion time. We compared original version of the method with version based on 5-point Likert scales. Both versions were administered to the sample of university students (N=86) with two months interval between testing sessions. Correlations between corresponding scales from two versions were within the range 0.48 to 0.82 (median 0.72); the level of interval consistency was slightly higher in version with Likert response format. We also analyzed the pattern of correlations between two versions of Gordon Personal Profile and NEO-PI-R.
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