Incentives to move: a model of inter-regional migration in the Czech Republic


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Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Economic policy in the European Union member countries
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Management and administrative
Keywords Inter-regional migration; economic factors; gravity model; Czech regions; incentives to migrate
Description In this paper, we test the models of inter-regional migration flows in the Czech Republic in time series since 1993 to 2011. Aim of this paper is to find up how economic factors explain migration flows between Czech regions. For testing, we used two types of models: i) the “economic” one, which omits distance and restrains the influence of population size, and ii), the “gravity“ one, where distance and population are included. In both models, we use as the regressors economic factors that are frequently mentioned in migration literature – i.e. average wage differences, registered unemployment rate differences, job vacancy differences. The dependent variable is the inter-regional migration flow, which is in the “economic” model divided by average population of involved regions (in thousands). Both models are tested on complete dataset for the whole Czech Republic and also for each particular region. The results show that the economic factors play some – but not very important – role in migration flows in the Czech Republic as a whole. In the case of emigration from each particular region, economic factors are statistically significant in most cases, but in case of immigration, the results are mostly not significant or not in line with our hypotheses.
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