The call will be launched on 4th October 2023. It will be focused on launching in-house research and development activities in enterprises which have not yet carried out their own R&D activities or purchased R&D services from research organisations on a regular basis.
Preliminary parameters:
- support per project CZK 15 million,
- aid intensity 80% per project,
- co-financing of the project is possible from other sources (public and non-public),
- the main applicant must be an enterprise, the research organisation only as an additional participant,
- the main applicant (enterprise) must fulfil the condition of not having received public support for R&D in the last 5 years in excess of CZK 1 million.
More information and all the conditions for submitting a project proposal will be published on the day of the call launched.
After the announcement of the 11th call the TREND - programme PP2, TA CR will organise an information webinar. The date of the information webinar will be published well in advance on the TA CR website.