FM MU received the Orpheus certificate

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On October 23, 2021, the Faculty of Medicine received the Orpheus Evaluation Certificate. The awarding of this certificate was preceded by several rounds of faculty evaluation, on the basis of which the Orpheus organization confirmed the quality of doctoral (Ph.D.) studies at the Faculty of Medicine.

The Faculty thus joined such institutions as Aarhus University, Karolinska Institute, University of Oslo, University of Bergen, University of Bern, University of Basel, University of Lisboa, University of Cordoba. An overview of all Orpheus members can be found here.

For the MU Faculty of Medicine, receiving the certificate means confirmation that it offers high-quality, world-class doctoral studies. For applicants and students, the certificate guarantees that doctoral studies at the MU Faculty of Medicine are of an internationally comparable level and meet the standards that are common in foreign universities.

Membership of Orpheus not only gives MU Faculty of Medicine the opportunity to attend conferences and workshops with leaders in Ph.D. studies, but also the benefit of using the ORPHEUS network of members to learn about the latest developments in Ph.D. studies, evaluations of Ph.D. studies at MU Faculty of Medicine, sharing good practice and funding opportunities for Ph.D. studies. Of course, we send a newsletter with updates and requests for consultations.

An unquestionable positive is the increased competitiveness of LF MU when applying for funding for doctoral studies. As a member of the organization, LF MU can take advantage of discounted registration for the annual Orpheus conferences.

Orpheus Organisation

ORganisation for PHD Education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the EUropean System

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Orpheus is the largest professional organization of Ph.D. educators in the biomedical, medical, and health sciences.

The organization was founded in 2004 on the basis of conferences and workshops organized by AMSE - The Association of Medical Schools in Europe and WFME - World Federation for Medical Education. The President of the organization is Prof. John Creemens (KU Leuven, Belgium).

Main goals of organization:

  • to establish standards for doctoral education based on existing best practices, by mutual agreement of its members.
  • to bridge the gap between basic sciences, clinically-oriented research, physicians, health professionals, and policymakers in Ph.D. studies.
  • to ensure quality control of Ph.D. studies and to enable detailed assessment of the compliance of Ph.D. programs at participating institutions with Orpheus standards.

The founders of Orpheus realized that although the Ph.D. degree was internationally recognized, it was not yet specified at a supranational level and identified the need to establish standards for doctoral studies in medicine. The aim of the organization is to enhance the reputation of doctoral studies and the Ph.D. as a research degree, share examples of good practice and expand career opportunities for doctoral graduates.

According to the organization's representatives, Ph.D. studies should lead not only to the training of responsible independent researchers but also to employees who will use critical thinking and evaluation in their work, leading to new ideas, even if their future career path does not lie in research.

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