Safe RUN - Run for Health

Runners will support oncogynaecological patients on 5th October at Špilberk in Brno.

14 Sep 2023

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The medically purple September, colored to mark the fight against gynecological tumors, will be extended by a few more days this year. On the first Thursday in October, a charity run Safe RUN will take place in Brno under the banner of the annual World GO Day or World Cancer Day. Its purpose is to enjoy an afternoon of sport and fun, but above all to express support for patients who are facing cervical, ovarian or uterine cancer as part of prevention.

"We are setting up stations with awareness activities focused on cancer prevention. However, it will also be possible to have your moles examined or to be tested anonymously for sexually transmitted diseases," says Martin Bartoš, a student at Masaryk University's Faculty of Medicine and national coordinator of the SpoluSafe project aimed at raising awareness about HPV.

There will be two categories - RELAX and PROFI. While the former is a relaxing run through the castle and its surroundings, the latter is a race of mixed three-person relays for sports enthusiasts. However, registration is required for both categories; the organisers have prepared a small gift for each of the registered runners. The entry fee is voluntary and will support the organizers' projects. In addition to SpoluSafe, these include the IFMSA medics, the October Pink project, the Proni Foundation, and the patient organisations Fxck Cancer, Don't Be Alone, Together to Smile and Endo Talks CZ.

Běhat se bude ve dvou kategoriích – RELAX a PROFI. Zatímco první představuje odpočinkový běh hradem a jeho okolím, druhá je závodem smíšených tříčlenných štafet pro sportovní nadšence. Do obou z kategorií je nicméně potřeba se registrovat; pro každého z registrovaných běžců mají organizátoři připravený malý dárek. Startovné je dobrovolné, podpořeny z něho budou organizátorské projekty. Vedle SpoluSafe jsou mezi nimi medici z IFMSA, projekt Říjen narůžovo, Nadační fond Proni nebo pacientské organizace Fxck Cancer, Nebýt na to sama, Společně k úsměvu a Endo Talks CZ.

"We would like to start a tradition in Brno and regularly join the worldwide campaign. We have chosen the form of the run in order to encourage the public to move more. After all, there is never enough sport and prevention," adds Martin Bartoš.

Details about the programme and the organisers' activities can be found on the Safe RUN website or on Facebook.

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