Prague Dental Days 2023

The 26th annual international conference Prague Dental Days had a unifying theme of "One Body, One Medicine". Therefore, in addition to purely dental topics, there were also many lectures from various fields of general medicine. The Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University was well represented among the speakers.

9 Nov 2023 Vojtěch Peřina

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Prague Dental Days is a traditional dental event, this year it was already its 26th year. A change from previous years was the inclusion of a large number of lectures that did not have a purely dental theme. A large part was devoted to the problem of odontogenic focal infection, thus there were messages from colleagues of orthopedists, cardiac surgeons or otorhinolaryngologists. Another major topic was the complications of general treatment manifested in the oral cavity, so the participants of the congress could hear the views on this issue from the mouths of oncologists, osteologists and diabetologists, for example. In total, 42 lectures were given and 18 workshops were held for 2024 participants. MU Faculty of Medicine was represented by representatives from various disciplines and departments. Namely, Prof. L. Izakovičová-Holá from the Dental Clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry, Prof. P. Štourač from the KDAR of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University Hospital Brno, Doc. P. Němec from CKTCH and MUDr. V. Peřina from KÚČOCH FN Brno.

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