Faculty of Medicine welcomes its first postdoc, awarded through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions: Postdoctoral Fellowships programme
Dorian Goueytes has chosen Milan Brazdil’s team at Ist Neurology Department of the Faculty of Medicine MU and St. Anne’s University Hospital for his Postdoctoral Fellowship. Dorian is part of Nathan Faivre's team at the Laboratory of Psychology and Neurocognition at the Université Grenoble-Alpes, France.
Dorian Goueytes has chosen Milan Brazdil’s team at Ist Neurology Department of the Faculty of Medicine and St. Anne’s University Hospital for his Postdoctoral Fellowship. Dorian is part of Nathan Faivre's team at the Laboratory of Psychology and Neurocognition at the Université Grenoble-Alpes, France. Nathan Faivre is the recipient of a prestigious ERC grant for a project aiming at documenting the contribution of sensorimotor signals to metacognition, and develop new remediation procedures.
During his two-year stay at Masaryk University, Dorian Goueytes will be working on the MetaChange project combining large scale online psychophysics experiments, invasive electrophysiological recordings in epileptic patients and computational modelling in order to brush a comprehensive picture of the effect of post-decisional information on the cognitive and metacognitive components of decision making.
The MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships programme provides funding for salary, living allowance and skill development costs for two years for postdocs up to 8 years after earning their PhD. It is important that the candidate has not spent more than 12 months in the Czech Republic during the last 3 years.
Are you also interested in adding a postdoc to your team? Contact Mgr. Dagmar Vaclavikova.