BIOTOP Seminar
31 May 2022
5:00 PM - C03/117, Masaryk University, Kamenice 5, 625 00, Brno
Seemingly peculiar name “BIOTOP” stands for BIOtech Talks to PhD. In broad strokes, these seminars aim to bridge the gap between the academia and industry and present various career options in the field of Life Sciences. Invited guests are scientists who worked in academia but then decided to continue their research career in private sector companies either in Czech Republic or abroad.
BIOTOP is organized as seminar series with a periodicity of approximately one seminar every 3-4 weeks (one seminar = one speaker). During the seminars, invited speakers describe their career path with the focus on their current job position in the industry, followed by the questions from the audience. After the talk, everyone is welcome to continue discussing with the speaker or peers in an informal and relaxed atmosphere along with some snacks and drinks.
Participants from all disciplines at any stage of their PhD studies are welcome. If you wish to get more information, please send us an e-mail to
Speaker: t: Pavlina Janovska, PhD: From PhD to University Spinn-off Company in the Context of Masaryk University

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