Jana Dvořáková
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In cooperation with the Transfusion and Tissue Department of the University Hospital Brno and the Blood Bank at St. Anne's University Hospital in Brno
We want to commemorate this year's 105th anniversary of the founding of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University by spreading awareness and promoting blood donation. We are reaching out to students, staff, Masaryk University alumni, and the general public to join the celebrations in this unconventional way. Give the gift of blood to those in need, preferably regularly, and make a symbolic donation to the Faculty and the University.
Everyone needs it and modern medicine cannot do without it, yet blood is often in short supply. Are we even aware of the preciousness that runs through our veins? To encourage the donation of this precious fluid is the aim of our "Donate by 105" campaign, which follows the successful 2019 campaign "100 liters of blood THANK YOU MUNI", when we managed to raise over 270 liters of blood. We are now aiming for at least 105 blood donors and are primarily targeting first-time donors.
In what period can we sign up for this event?
We will be happy to receive and share photos of blood donations from different parts of the world.
Why is it important to donate blood?
V České republice chybí přibližně 100 000 dárců krve. Přitom každý z nás potřebuje za svůj život průměrně 5x krevní transfuzi a 14x lék vyrobený z krve. Na komplikovanější operaci je potřeba i 10 jednotek krve po 300 ml. Díky stále složitějším operacím spotřeba krve neustále roste.
Počet dobrovolných dárců naopak dlouhodobě klesá a čím dál více lidí svoji krev raději prodává farmaceutickým firmám. Lidská krev je navíc jedna z mála věcí, kterou neumíme vyrobit uměle. Staňme se dobrovolnými dárci krve. Jedním odběrem můžeme zachránit někdy i 4 až 6 lidských životů!
O dárcovství krve si poslechtěte 54. díl našeho podcastu STETOSKOP v díle s názvem Život po kapkách. U mikrofonu jsme přivítali vedoucí lékařsku Úseku dárců krve MUDr. Nikolu Cíchovou. Provede nás samotným procesem odběru krve, ale také odhalí, co se děje s krví poté, co je odebrána až do doby než se dostane k příjemci.
Whole blood - that is, 450 milliliters, where the actual collection takes about 5 to 10 minutes. However, you will spend a little over an hour in the ward to complete the necessary paperwork and blood tests before collection.
Instrumental collections - these are collections of blood components, most commonly plasma and platelets. The collection takes about an hour and expect to be in the department for over two hours.
Sure. You just need to make sure that you don't eat fatty foods or drink alcohol for at least 12 hours before the test. On the day of the collection, have a dietary breakfast - avoid dairy and meat products, wholemeal bread with oily seeds and nuts. Have at least half a litre of water, juice or tea. You can also have coffee, but without milk or cream. You should not smoke for at least three hours before you take it.
If you have recently visited countries or areas where there is a higher risk of malaria, infectious hepatitis, West Nile virus infection and other blood-borne diseases, this means postponing your blood collection. If you have been to a malarial area and have not had any symptoms there even six months after your return, you can donate blood. If you had a fever during your visit or six months after, you must wait up to three years after your symptoms have disappeared before you can donate blood again. If you have been to exotic countries where there is no malaria, you need to check with your doctor who will decide when you can donate blood.
All you need is your ID and your health insurance card.
For whole blood draws, men can go once every three months and women once every four months. For blood draws, the intervals range from two weeks to one month.
Kromě dobrého pocitu, že pomůžete zachránit lidské životy a zdraví, sebou darování krve nese i výhody. Každý má v den odběru nárok na pracovní volno s náhradou mzdy a na transfuzním oddělení také získáte potvrzení pro snížení základu daně z příjmu o 3000 korun za odběr – celkově si můžete odečíst nejvýše 15 procent ze základu daně. Je také dobré si ověřit, zda vaše zdravotní pojišťovna nenabízí dárcům krve nějaké benefity.
Where can you donate blood and symbolically give your donation to the faculty?
How to join?
Register either at the Transfusion and Tissue Department of the University Hospital Brno or at the Transfusion Unit of the St. Anne's University Hospital in Brno:
Do you have a question about the Donate 105 event? Contact the Department of Communication and External Relations of LF MU. If you have any questions about the donations themselves, the process or making an appointment, please contact one of our Brno offices.
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