Total number of publications: 48
Association of Picky Eating with Weight and Height-The European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC-CZ)
Nutrients, year: 2022, volume: 14, edition: 3, DOI
Dietary pattern longitudinality during 8 years in children: results from the European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC-CZ)
Public Health Nutrition, year: 2021, volume: 24, edition: 9, DOI
Association between Stress Urinary incontinence and Depressive Symptoms after Birth : the Czech eLSpAc Study
Scientific Reports, year: 2020, volume: 10, edition: 1, DOI
Effects of Early and Systematic Integration of Specialist Palliative Care in Patients with Advanced Cancer: Randomized Controlled Trial PALINT
JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE MEDICINE, year: 2020, volume: 23, edition: 12, DOI
Early-life exposure to household chemicals and wheezing in children
Science of the Total Environment, year: 2019, volume: 663, edition: May, DOI
Perinatal Maternal Stress and Susceptibility to Infectious Diseases in Later Childhood: An Early Life Programming Perspective
JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, year: 2019, volume: 153, edition: 1, DOI
Význam rtg lebky při poraněních hlavy
Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca, year: 2019, volume: 86, edition: 5
A Comparative Study of Conservative Functional Treatment versus Acute Ligamentous Repair in Simple Dislocation of the Elbow in Adults
INDIAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS, year: 2018, volume: 52, edition: 6, DOI
Central European Journal of Public Health, year: 2018, volume: 26, edition: 1, DOI
EMPIRE Registry, Czech Part: Impact of Demographics, Pulmonary Function and HRCT on Survival and Clinical Course in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
CLINICAL RESPIRATORY JOURNAL, year: 2018, volume: 12, edition: 4, DOI