prof. MUDr. Eva Češková, CSc.
Professor, Department of Psychiatry
correspondence Address:
Jihlavská 340/20, 625 00 Brno
phone: | +420 532 23 2560, 3706 |
e‑mail: |
social and academic networks: |
Total number of publications: 743
Nikotinismus u schizofrenie a možnosti jeho léčby
Year: 2017, type: Conference abstract
Risperidone increases the cortical silent period in drug-naive patients with first-episode schizophrenia: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study
Journal of Psychopharmacology, year: 2017, volume: 31, edition: 4, DOI
Současné a budoucí trendy v léčbě farmakorezistentní deprese
Year: 2017, type: Conference abstract
Současné a budoucí trendy ve farmakoterapii rezistentní deprese
Česká a slovenská psychiatrie, year: 2017, volume: 113, edition: 5
Transkraniální magnetická stimulace v doporučeních a běžné klinické praxi
Year: 2017, type: Conference abstract
Volba farmakoterapie u nemocných se schizofrenií a abúzem návykových látek
Psychiatrie pro praxi, year: 2017, volume: 18, edition: 1
Biomarkery v psychofarmakoterapii - současný stav
Year: 2016
Cognitive impairment and cortisol levels in first-episode schizophrenia patients
Stress : The International Journal on the Biology of Stress, year: 2016, volume: 19, edition: 4, DOI
Current pharmacotherapy of depression - focused on multimodal/multifunctional antidepressants
EXPERT OPINION ON PHARMACOTHERAPY, year: 2016, volume: 17, edition: 14, DOI
Farmakorezistentní deprese - jak dál?
Psychiatrie pro praxi, year: 2016, volume: 17, edition: 3