MUDr. Darja Krusová, Ph.D.
Assistant professor, Second Department of Internal Medicine
Total number of publications: 90
Thiamine levels and transketolase genetic variants as modifiers of progression of diabetic nephropathy
Year: 2009, type: Conference abstract
Vliv kombinační léčby blokátorů RAS a kalciových blokátorů na mikroalbuminurii a systémový tlak u pacientů s hypertenzi a diabetem 2.typu
Year: 2009, type: Conference abstract
Vztah mezi hladinami methylovaných argininů (ADMA a SDMA), genetickou variabilitou v reninangiotenzinovém systému a postižením ledvin u diabetes mellitus 2. typu
Year: 2009, type: Conference abstract
Diabetická nefropatie- renální funkce a hladina sRAGE, genet. variabilita AGER genu
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
Diabetická nefropatie, solubilní RAGE a genetická variabilita AGER genu
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
Genetic variability in the pentose phosphate cycle enzymes as a treatment-independent modifier of hyperglycemia toxicity in diabetic nephropathy
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
Solube RAGE, diabetic nephropathy and genetic variability in the ARGER gene
Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, year: 2008, volume: 114, edition: 2
Solube RAGE, diabetic nepropathy and genetic variability in the AGER gene
Archives of physilology and Biochemistry, year: 2008, volume: 114, edition: 2
Soluble RAGE, diabetic nephropathy and genetic variability in the AGER gene
Arch Physiol Biochem, year: 2008, volume: 114, edition: 2
Thiamine Status and Genetic Variability in the Pentose Phosphate Cycle Enzymes as Risk Factors for Diabetic Nephropathy
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract