Mgr. Veronika Zelenková
Instructor, Department of Public Health
correspondence Address:
Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno
Total number of publications: 25
Translation and Adaptation of Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire (Child Form) into Czech Language
Year: 2022, type: Conference abstract
A historical perspective and opportunities for dietetics education, practice and professional organizations in the Czech Republic
Profese online, year: 2021, volume: 14, edition: 1, DOI
Acceptance of Dietitians and Their Job Satisfaction in Acute Care Settings in Czech Republic: Preliminary Results
Year: 2021, type: Conference abstract
Hodnocení výuky výživy na Lékařské fakultě MU v kontextu doporučení ESPEN
Year: 2021, type: Conference abstract
Micronutrient Deficiencies in Preschool and School Children with Cow’s Milk Allergy
Year: 2021, type: Conference abstract
Perceptions of Nutrition Education and the Role of Dietitians at a Medical School in the Czech Republic
Year: 2021, type: Conference abstract
Problémy nutriční péče očima nutričních terapeutů: předběžné výsledky kvalitativního výzkumu
Year: 2021, type: Conference abstract
Náhled do historie potravinových alergií
Výživa a potraviny: Zpravodaj pro školní a dietní stravování, year: 2020, volume: 75, edition: 2
Role nutričního terapeuta v terapii potravinových alergií
Alergie, year: 2020, volume: 22, edition: 3
Perceptions of nutrition education and the role of dietitians at a medical school in the Czech Republic: preliminary results
Year: 2019, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings