Total number of publications: 1169
Ramipril v léčbě mírné až středně těžké hypertenze (multicentrická studie)
Vnitřní lékařství, year: 1998, volume: 44, edition: 6
Relationship between kidney function, hemodynamic variables and circulating big endothelin levels in patients with severe refractory heart failure
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, year: 1998, volume: 110, edition: 3
Srovnání účinku ACE-I a AT 2 blokátoru u akutního infarktu myokardu
Cor et Vasa, year: 1998, volume: 40, edition: suppl.
The effect of one week treatment with prostaglandin E1 or dobutamine or placebo infusion on echocardiographic parameters in severe congestive heart failure
European Heart Journal, year: 1998, volume: 19, edition: suppl.
The effect of one week treatment with prostaglandin E1 or dobutamine or placebo infusion on haemodynamic and renal functions in severe congestive heart failure
European Heart Journal, year: 1998, volume: 19, edition: suppl.
The effect of one week treatment woth prostaglandin E1 or dobutamin or placebo infusion echocardiographic parameters in severe congestive heart failure
European Heart Journal, year: 1998, volume: 19, edition: AbstrSuppl
The effect of one week treatment woth prostaglandin E1 or dobutamin or placebo infusion on haemodynamic and renal function in severe congestive heart failure
European Heart Journal, year: 1998, volume: 19, edition: AbstrSuppl
The effect of one week tretment with prostaglandin E1 or dobutamine or placebo infusion on echocardiographic parameters in severe congestive heart failure
Cardiology, year: 1998, volume: 7, edition: suppl.
Vliv losartanu a captoprilu na echokardiografické ukazatele po akutním infarktu myokardu
ECHO-dny ´98, year: 1998
Vliv ramiprilu na metabolické, renální a srdeční funkce u hypertenze a diabetu mellitu II. typu
Vnitřní lékařství, year: 1998, volume: 44, edition: 6