Total number of publications: 278
Baroreflexní senzitivita u pacientů s esenciální hypertenzí a diabetem mellitem 2. typu
XXXIX. Východoslovenské lakárske dni, year: 2000
Baroreflexní senzitivita u pacientů s esenciální hypertenzí a diabetes mellitus II. typu. Abstrakt
Cor Vasa, year: 2000, volume: 42, edition: Suppl. 4
Cardiorespiratory parameters in obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus before anf after 12 weeks exercise training. Abstract.
Kongres MEFA, year: 2000
Carotic and brachial blood flow in essential hypertension treated with enelapril: the changes after an abrupt decrease of blood pressure.
J. Hypertens, year: 2000, volume: 18, edition: suppl. 2
Carotic and brachial blood flow-blood pressure relationship in essential hypertension
Pflügers Archiv - Eur.J. Physiol., year: 2000, volume: 439, edition: 6
Exercise training in patients with chronic coronary disease. Abstract.
Kongres MEFA, year: 2000
Interrelationship between pulse-pressure and baroreflex sensitivity in patients with essential hypertension. Abstract.
Kongres MEFA 2000, year: 2000
Komponenta srdeční frekvence a komponenta krevního tlaku baroreflexní senzitivity u esenciální hypertenze. Abstrakt.
Medicina Sportiva Bohemica et Slovaca, year: 2000, volume: 9, edition: 3
Low-Frequency Electrical Stimulation of Sceletal Muscles in Patients with Heart Failure
Kongres MEFA, year: 2000
Minimální cévní rezistence na předloktí u esenciální hypertenze po antihypertenzivní léčbě. Abstrakt.
Cor Vasa, year: 2000, volume: 42, edition: Suppl. 4