Historical milestone for the PhD programme Simulation in Medicine
The seemingly peaceful summer at the Simulation Centre of the Faculty of Medicine culminated on 21 August 2024 with the first ever defence of the recently established new doctoral study programme Simulation in Medicine.
The dissertation defense of MUDr. Tamara Skříšovská, Ph.D., DESAIC took place in a hybrid form with majority participation directly at SIMU. The supervisor of the PhD student was prof. MUDr. Petr Štourač, Ph.D., MBA, FESAIC, another supervisor was MUDr. Lukas Drabauer, MBA and the consultant was doc. Ing. Daniel Schwarz, Ph.D. The topic of the dissertation was "Simulation Training for Identification and Prevention of Critical Incidents in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care", since the student's thesis was in English language, and the defence was attended by foreign members of the professional board, the defence was also in English language "Simulation Training for Identification and Prevention of Critical Incidents in Anesthesia and Intensive Care".
The whole defence was conducted in a very positive spirit and the performance of the PhD student was evaluated as very good by all present members of the D-SIME branch board including the evaluation committee. We cannot but hope that our colleague Skříšovská managed to set a very high "standard" for further defences in this new programme.
Congratulations to our first graduate and to her supervisors and consultant for the great work and representation of the Institute of Simulation Medicine of LF MU!