Course European Paediatric Advanced Life Support (EPALS)

During the weekend of 14-15 September 2019, a certified EPALS (European Paediatric Advanced Life Support) course organized by the Czech Resuscitation Council (CRC) took place in Hradec Králové.

18 Sep 2019

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CRC is an official partner of the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) for the Czech Republic. A total of 28 participants, 12 of whom were doctors and teachers of the Brno University Hospital or FM MU, spent an exhausting weekend struggling at four stations. Here, they had an opportunity to adopt basic skills in the framework of the so-called Skill Stations and Small Group Discussions, and to apply them afterwards in low and high loyalty simulations, mainly devoted to: the recognition of critically ill child, basic life support (BLS), and advanced life support (ALS). The course was exceptional, among other things, because all the participants met all the prerequisites for the EPALS provider certificate, which is not usually the rule. And what is more, five participants were selected as Potential Instructors, so if they are interested and complete the General Instructor Course (i.e. an ERC course for all courses they organize), the instructor team can grow by additional five instructors.

Furthermore, already at the September EPALS course, SIMU FM MU had two representatives even among the course instructors themselves (Petr Štourač, Martina Kosinová). At the same time, out of the five selected Potential Instructors, FM MU is proud to have reached a dominant number of three Potential Instructors from the Faculty of Medicine: Tamara Skříšovská, Milan Kratochvíl, and Petr Dominik, the doctors and lecturers of KDAR FN Brno and LF MU.

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