MEFANET conference and shadowing in Brno

On 2-3 November 2022, the MEFANET (MEdical FAculties NETwork) conference was held. Both partners of the project were actively involved. The Austrian partner of the project, Software Competence Center Hagenberg (hereinafter referred to as SCCH), presented the plan of the SESSAD project in one of the contributions. In the following days, further negotiations on the progress of the project took place.

At the MEFANET conference, SCCH presented the SESSAD project, its main goals and achievements so far. SCCH also presented a data collection proposal for the creation of a methodology, which in the future will enable development teams to rapidly develop interregional cooperation and will become the basis for cooperation within the Czech-Austrian network of development institutions.

As part of further shadowing, options for data collection were presented, which will serve as the main output for the creation of the above-mentioned methodology. The project partners agreed on the use of an online form, and the specific structure of the form for collecting feedback from all project members, as well as other partners of both involved entities, was also discussed.

In the subsequent discussion, attention was focused on the possible expansion of cooperation in the future. SIMUportfolio project was presented as a tool for teaching support at the FM MU in the form of curriculum mapping or support for modern student assessment methods (Objective Structured Clinical Examination, Readiness Assurance Test).


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