Pull requests for Code Merge

Select and prioritize test cases by its risk. Therefore the risk of the features covered by the tests have to be determined by considering the propability of an error and its impact (business impact). The aim is to lower the risk as much as possible within the available time and with the available ressources for quality assurance activities.


risk assessment, test case selection, test case prioritization, risk mitigation

Keep the quality high even if there is no time to execute the complete test plan. In addition ressources are saved, if only necessary tests are executed.

You have to be able to assess the risk of failures in the system. (domain and business knowledge besides the technical knowledge)

concret: specific best practice (e.g. use microservice)

Application domain:
Medicine/Healthcare, Education (Technology enhanced learning), Data science (analysis & visualisation), Industry (Production), Mobility, Energy, Software engineering

Main phase:
Development: Testing, Operations: Deployment/Release, (hint: also ticked Deployment since for deployment you have to be aware about the possible risk)

Related literature:
Felderer, M., Schieferdecker, I. A taxonomy of risk-based testing. Int J Softw Tools Technol Transfer 16, 559–568 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10009-014-0332-3

In which projects do/did you use this practice?

Software Tester, Software Engineer, Researcher

>10 years of experiences
Software Competence Center Hagenberg

1. How do ​you rate the potential benefit for your projects? 2
2. How often are you using that practice? 2
3. What is the effort to introduce the practice in your project upfront? 4
4. What is the effort to apply the best practice in your project daily basis? 2

Questions 1, 3 and 4 (1 = Low, 5 = High)
Question 2 (1 = Never, 5 = Always)

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