Writing unit tests

writing unit tests for FE components. Probably the best case scenario is to write unit test during development to cover all the component to overcome any future issues.


unit, testing, jest, cypress

to overcome future issues and to decrease testing

writing unit test

concret: specific best practice (e.g. use microservice)

Application domain:
Software engineering

Main phase:
Development: Implementation/Code/Build

Related literature:

In which projects do/did you use this practice?
future projects

Software Engineer

0–2 years of experiences
Masaryk University

1. How do ​you rate the potential benefit for your projects? 3
2. How often are you using that practice? -
3. What is the effort to introduce the practice in your project upfront? -
4. What is the effort to apply the best practice in your project daily basis? -

Questions 1, 3 and 4 (1 = Low, 5 = High)
Question 2 (1 = Never, 5 = Always)

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