Welcome Office

Na Welcome Office při Oddělení pro kvalitu LF MU se můžete obracet v záležitostech:

Následující informace jsou z důvodu poskytnutí informací zahraničním uchazečům či zaměstnancům v anglickém jazyce.

Ph.D. student

Before arrival to the Czech Republic

Visa or Long-Term Residence?

Newly admitted applicants with a visa requirement should apply for student a visa or long-term residence:

  • Visa – it is recommended to apply for a visa valid for 1 year (information here).
  • Long-term residence - can be valid for up to 2 years (information here).

The application should by supported by the following documents:

  • Decisions on Acceptance (both in Czech and English languages)
  • Confirmation of admission called “Potvrzení – přijetí ke studiu” (in Czech)
  • Accommodation Confirmation called “doklad o zajištění ubytování” (in Czech)
  • Confirmation of an entity receiving a third country citizen in the territory of the Czech Republic for the purpose of economic activity or educational activity (in Czech and in English)
  • Schedule of Academic Year (in English).


Incoming students can be accommodated in the dormitories of Masaryk University. Information about the dormitories can be found on the web. Each year, there is a period for reserving accommodation. In case of any problems, student should contact the dormitory at koleje@skm.muni.cz.

A list of university hotels is here.

Incoming students may use several services for accommodation in Brno, such as:

Foreigners company (information on accommodation here)

City Real Estate


Flats/Shared rooms for rent.    


Visa applicants have to provide health insurance from one of the Czech insurance companies mentioned below for the first year of study at the minimum. Without insurance, he/she cannot apply for a visa. Other applicants who do not need visas are advised to get insurance as well.

Students or staff from the European Union have to visit VZP (the first company mentioned in the list of insurance companies in the Czech Republic below) and show them her/his insurance card from her/his country. The company will provide an insurance confirmation for the first days of the student's stay and a Czech insurance card for foreigners later.

Possible insurance companies:





Inter Partner Assistance (AXA) 

Czech health insurance costs around 15 000 CZK (€ 600) per year.

If the student is employed in the Czech Republic from the very first day, he/she does not need any insurance. A part of his/her salary is a tax that includes insurance. In this case, the applicant receives documents confirming his/her employment.

Brno as a city

Brno city information and some recommendations are available on the Go to Brno website. For more information about the city of Brno, you can also visit the official Brno city website.

Information about public transport, tourist card, library, ZOO, sports, parking, etc. can be found at the Brno ID website

How to get to Brno and to the Faculty of Medicine

How to get to Brno:

Airplane – There is an International airport in Brno, but there are not so many connections to this airport. For traveling by airplane we recommend using Vaclav Havel airport in Prague (200km to Brno), Bratislava airport in Slovakia (130km to Brno) or Vienna airport in Austria (140km to Brno).

Train -  There are several companies in charge of train connections: České dráhy, Regiojet, Leo Express (connection Praque – Brno only!). All connections, including connections from the above-mentioned airports, can be found on the general web for public transport. The target station is called „Brno hlavní nádraží“.

Bus – There are two International bus stations in Brno: Ústřední autobusové nádraží Zvonařka (the name „Zvonařka nádraží“ can be used) and Autobusové nádraží Grand (near Grand Hotel). While searching for connections, use the general name „Autobusové nádraží Brno“.

How to get to the Faculty of Medicine:

The Faculty of Medicine is located on University Campus, Kamenice street. No. 5.

From Brno Airport – Bus No. E76 to Brno hlavní nádraží (train station, see below), from the train station buses No. 40, 50, 61. The stop is called University campus.

From Zvonařka station (bus connection to Brno) – Bus No. 84 to Mendlovo náměstí, from Mendlovo náměstí trolley bus No. 25 to University campus stop.

From Brno hlavní nádraží (train connection to Brno + bus connection to autobusové nádraží Grand) – buses No. 40, 50, 61 to University campus stop.

From Mendlovo náměstí - trolley bus No. 25 to University campus stop.

From the city center - 3 possibilities:

1. Walk to Šilingrovo náměstí, trams 5, 6 to Mendlovo náměstí, from Mendlovo nám. trolley No. 25 to University campus stop.

2. Walk to Brno hlavní nádraží, buses No. 40, 50, 61 to University campus stop.

3. Walk to Česká street, trams 5, 6 to Mendlovo náměstí, from Mendlovo nám. trolley No. 25 to University campus stop.


After arrival to the Czech Republic

Enrollment to study

Study in the individual study programs officially starts with enrollment to study. This enrollment is done by the Office for Quality after prior agreement on the start date. Admitted students are contacted to come to the Office for Quality to do the enrollment.

Necessary information on study at the Faculty of Medicine is presented during this enrollment.  

Registration with the Foreign Police / Department of Asylum and Migration Policy (OAMP)

Each new incomer has to register for residence in the Czech Republic:

EU/EEA/CH - Registration for residence in the Czech Republic must be completed at the Foreign Police within 30 days after arrival. Registration with the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy is also recommended for nationals of EU/EEA/CH countries with a stay exceeding 12 months.

Non EU - Registration for residence in the Czech Republic must be completed at the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy within 3 days after arrival.

To visit the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy in Brno it is recommended to use an online reservation.

The Welcome Office is ready to help with preparing documents and can contact the International Staff Office of Masaryk University to arrange a guide to assist you at the meeting.

Medical doctors (practitioners) + vaccination against Hepatitis B

Each student is advised to have a general practitioner. A list of possible doctors is available here.

All students need to be vaccinated against Hepatitis B. Students must arrange this individually with their general practitioner if they were not already vaccinated in their home country. Students must bring a confirmation of this vaccination to the Office for Quality. Hepatitis B vaccination is completed according to the following schedule 0.-1.-6. months and one dose costs approx. 800 CZK.

Local municipal waste tax in Brno

The fee for the operation of the system for the collection, collection, transport, sorting, use, and disposal of municipal waste is paid by a person registered in the municipality; for the purposes of the fees, a registered person is considered to be a person temporarily residing in the Czech Republic for more than 3 months or who has been granted permanent residence. 

More information about the waste tax in Brno and its payment can be found here.

Driving License and other documents

If you would like to have a Czech driving license, you should apply for one at the office called “Oddělení agend řidičů“, address Kounicova str. 67, Brno.

Information on exchanging a driving license from a Member State, or driving license issued by a foreign state for a driving license of the Czech Republic can be found here.

If you lose your ID, contact your embassy in the Czech Republic (or an embassy in other nearby countries if your country's embassy is not located in the Czech Republic).

Leaving the Czech Republic

If any confirmation is needed when leaving the Czech Republic, do not hesitate to contact Petr Bureš from the Office for Quality.

Graduates of doctoral studies receive a diploma and a diploma supplement. If the diploma needs to be certified by an apostille or superlegalization, it is necessary to follow these steps:

1) Go to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy).

    - Find Mr. Johánek who is in charge of apostille and superlegalization. He sits on Karmelitská 5, Praha, and his number is +420 257 193 532. We recommend calling him before going to see him. We were told to go to the reception of 5 Karmelitská Street (the Ministry is also on 7 Karmelitská Str., but it’s another department), and let the receptionist call Mr. Johánek who will come for the documents and prepare the superlegalization.

    - To superlegalize the diploma and diploma supplement a „kolek“ (stamp) for 100 ,- CZK (in Czech you would say „kolek sto korun“) is needed (for each document). Stamps are sold in any Post office.

    - The opening days and hours are Monday and Wednesday, 9-12 and 13-17. 

2) After the documents are legalized by the Ministry of Education, it is necessary to go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí)

   - The Ministry can be found on Hradčanské nám. 5, Praha, and their numbers are +420 224 18 2188 and 224 18 2153. They can be contacted by calling on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 14-16

   - Their opening days are also on Mondays and Wednesdays, 8-12 and 13.30-17

International Employee

Before Arrival to the Czech Republic

Visa or Long-Term Residence?

New employees from countries with visas should apply for scientific research long-term residence.

The application should be supported by the following documents about their employment:

  • Visiting Researcher Agreement (both in Czech and English languages)
  • Assurance (both in Czech and English languages)
  • Affidavit (both in Czech and English languages)

Applicants with these documents do not need health insurance. Insurance is a part of the salary - it is paid from income taxes.


Incoming staff can use university hotels. A list of hotels is available here.

Incoming staff may use several services for accommodation in Brno, such as:

Foreigners company (information on accommodation here)

City Real Estate


Flats/Shared rooms for rent.    


Staff from the European Union have to visit VZP (the first company mentioned in the list of insurance companies in the Czech Republic below) and show them her/his insurance card from her/his country. The company will provide an insurance confirmation for the first days of the employee's stay and a Czech insurance card for foreigners later.

Possible insurance companies:





Inter Partner Assistance (AXA) 

The Czech health insurance costs around 15 000 CZK (€ 600) per year.

If the employee is employed in the Czech Republic from the very first day, he/she does not need any insurance. A part of his/her salary is a tax that includes insurance. 

Brno as a city

Brno city information and some recommendations are available on the Go to Brno website. For more information about the city of Brno, you can also visit the official Brno city website.

Information about public transport, tourist card, library, ZOO, sports, parking, etc. can be found at the Brno ID website

How to get to Brno and to the Faculty of Medicine

How to get to Brno:

Airplane – There is an International airport in Brno, but there are not many connections to this airport. For traveling by airplane we recommend using Vaclav Havel airport in Prague (200km to Brno), Bratislava airport in Slovakia (130km to Brno) or Vienna airport in Austria (140km to Brno).

Train -  There are several companies in charge of train connections: České dráhy, Regiojet, Leo Express (connection Praque – Brno only!). All connections, including connections from the above-mentioned airports, can be found on the general web for public transport. The target station is called „Brno hlavní nádraží“.

Bus – There are two International bus stations in Brno: Ústřední autobusové nádraží Zvonařka (the name „Zvonařka nádraží“ can be used) and Autobusové nádraží Grand (near Grand Hotel). While searching for connections, use the general name „Autobusové nádraží Brno“.

How to get to the Faculty of Medicine:

The Faculty of Medicine is located on University Campus, Kamenice street. No. 5.

From Brno Airport – Bus No. E76 to Brno hlavní nádraží (train station, see below), from the train station buses No. 40, 50, 61. The stop is called University campus.

From Zvonařka station (bus connection to Brno) – Bus No. 84 to Mendlovo náměstí, from Mendlovo náměstí trolley bus No. 25 to University campus stop.

From Brno hlavní nádraží (train connection to Brno + bus connection to autobusové nádraží Grand) – buses No. 40, 50, 61 to University campus stop.

From Mendlovo náměstí - trolley bus No. 25 to University campus stop.

From the real city center - 3 possibilities:

1. Walk to Šilingrovo náměstí, trams 5, 6 to Mendlovo náměstí, from Mendlovo nám. trolley No. 25 to University campus stop.

2. Walk to Brno hlavní nádraží, buses No. 40, 50, 61 to University campus stop.

3. Walk to Česká street, trams 5, 6 to Mendlovo náměstí, from Mendlovo nám. trolley No. 25 to University campus stop.

After arrival to the Czech Republic

Start of employment

Employment officially starts after signing a work contract. Before the contract is signed, it is necessary to visit the university doctor for a medical examination. Staff will be informed of the procedure by the HR Department.

Registration with the Foreign Police / Department of Asylum and Migration Policy (OAMP)

Each new resident has to register for residence in the Czech Republic:

EU/EEA/CH - Registration for residence in the Czech Republic must be completed at the Foreign Police within 30 days after arrival. Registration with the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy is also recommended for nationals of EU/EEA/CH countries with a stay exceeding 12 months.

Non EU - Registration for residence in the Czech Republic must be completed at the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy within 3 days after arrival.

To visit the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy in Brno it is recommended to use an online reservation.

The Welcome Office is ready to help with preparing documents and can contact the International Staff Office of Masaryk University to arrange a guide to assist you at the meeting.

Medical doctors (practitioners) + vaccination against Hepatitis B

Each employee is advised to have a general practitioner. A list of possible doctors is available here.

All employees need to be vaccinated against Hepatitis B. Employees must arrange this individually with their general practitioner if they were not already vaccinated in their home country. Hepatitis B vaccination is completed according to the following schedule 0.-1.-6. months and one dose costs approx. 800 CZK.

Local municipal waste tax in Brno

The fee for the operation of the system for the collection, collection, transport, sorting, use, and disposal of municipal waste is paid by a person registered in the municipality; for the purposes of the fees, a registered person is considered to be a person temporarily residing in the Czech Republic for more than 3 months or who has been granted permanent residence. 

More information about the waste tax in Brno and its payment can be found here.

Driving License and other documents

If the employee would like to have a Czech driving license, he/she should apply for one at the office called “Oddělení agend řidičů“, address Kounicova str. 67, Brno.

Information on exchanging a driving license from a Member State, or driving license issued by a foreign state for a driving license from the Czech Republic can be found here.

If you lose your ID, contact your embassy in the Czech Republic (or an embassy in other nearby countries if your country's embassy is not located in the Czech Republic).

Leaving the Czech Republic

If any confirmation is needed when leaving the Czech Republic, do not hesitate to contact Petr Bureš from the Office for Quality.

Employees can receive proof of employment.

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