Personal Data in Biomedical Research

Název česky Osobní údaje v Biomedicínském výzkumu


Rok publikování 2020
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Lékařská fakulta

Popis The topic of the paper is Personal Data in Biomedical Research. This subject could belong to the Law: Privacy and Personal Data section as well as the Medical Data section. I have chosen this topic mainly because the number of unresolved issues in the field of Personal Data Protection related to biomedical research is huge, and this topic needs to be discussed at a professional level. Although GDPR has been applicable in the Czech Republic for more than two years, the issue of the title to the personal data processing in biomedical research has still not been clarified. Also, the relationship between the patient's informed consent with participation in the study and consent with the processing of personal data is still an open question. Another unresolved issue is the position of the controller and the processor when more than one institution is involved in biomedical research, which is a very common situation. We could further list the potential problems. The topicality of the related problems has become even more apparent now, in connection with the COVID -19 pandemic, when a timely clarification of the above-mentioned problems would make it much easier to launch research. Due to the limited scope of this paper, it is not possible to provide a comprehensive solution to all the problems outlined. The aim is to draw attention to these problems, emphasize the need to solve them, and present the author's opinion on their solutions.

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