Akutní hiátové hernie


PROCHÁZKA Vladimír SVATOŇ Roman MAREK Filip ČAN Vladimír KUNOVSKÝ Lumír BARTUŠEK Daniel IVIČIČ Jaroslav KALA Zdeněk

Rok publikování 2019
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Rozhledy v chirurgii
www http://dx.doi.org/10,33699/PIS.2019.98.5.207-213
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10,33699/PIS.2019.98.5.207-213
Klíčová slova large hiatal hernia; laparoscopy; stomach volvulus; fundoplication
Popis In small hiatal hernias, the rare of complication occurrence is low. With growing size of the hernias, the risk of potentially life threatening acute complication increases. Stomach volvulus and sevee bleeding in particular are the most frequent complications of hiatal hernias. Acute operations are associated with a significantly higher risk of postoperative complications than elective procedures. Surgical repair of hiatal hernia should be indicated in all symptomatic patients with a largie hiatal hernia. In patients without clinical symptoms, surgical repair of hernia is recomended if there are no significant internal contraindications to surgery.

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