📢🎯 Invitation | SPARK Europe Webinar Series SPRING 2025
SPARK Europe Webinar Series | 2nd April 2025 |4-5 pm (CET) | Regulatory considerations of C&G Therapies | Suzanne Einmahl | hosted by SPARK Zürich
An information webinar for potential candidates and supervisors (in English) will be held on January 15, 2021 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Information and registration procedures are available on the site: https://www.europe.bzh/bienvenue
Great opportunity for the young researchers to be enrolled in a prestigious H2020-MSCA-COFUND scheme awarded to the Brittany Region, entitled BIENVENÜE - "Welcoming hyghly-talented international post-docs in Brittany".
All the Research Unitis of the University of Rennes 1 are eligible for hosting applicants, and it is good opportunity to initiate, develop research collaborations within the EDUC Alliance!
An information webinar for potential candidates and supervisors (in English) will be held on January 15, 2021 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Information and registration procedures are available on the site: https://www.europe.bzh/bienvenue
This programme aims at strengthening the attractiveness of Europe, and to promote the international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary paths of researchers throughout their careers. It is co-financed by the Brittany Region and by partner Insitutions, including Rennes 1.
The calendar is as follow :
- The BIENVENÜE project officially starts on November 1, 2020 for a period of 5 years (2020-2024).
- It provides for the recruitment in partner research units of 75 postdoctoral fellows, divided into 3 cohorts (25 grants of 24 months per cohort) and selected within the framework of 3 calls for annual projects.
- The 1st call was launched on January 4, 2021 for an application deadline of March 15, 2021 (11:59 p.m.). Opening of the site soon.
- Projects must be submitted by postdoctoral candidates on a dedicated website set up by the Brittany Region.
- The results will be released on July 5, 2021 for projects to start within 6 months after the results are published.
The admissibility criteria are the following :
- Post-doctoral projects submitted under the BIENVENÜE calls are prepared by the candidates and must fall within the strategic innovation areas of the new Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation - S3.
- Evaluated by external and international experts, applications are selected on the basis of scientific excellence criteria, and in compliance with the rules of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, promoting transparency, fairness and merit.
- To be eligible for this scheme, candidates must hold a doctorate or have at least 4 full-time equivalent years of research experience by the submission deadline. Applicants must also have resided or carried out their main activity for at least 24 months abroad during the 3 years preceding the deadline for submission.
Financial terms:
- In accordance with the modalities provided for by the European Commission, post-doctoral fellows recruited under the BIENVENÜE program must be remunerated at a minimum of 4,310 euros per month (gross salary charged) and receive in addition an allowance of mobility for personal use of 200 euros per month.
For more informations do not hesitate to contact:
Pr. Sébastien Le Picard
Vice-Président Projets européens
Chargé de mission Plateforme projets européens (2PE)-Bretagne
Institut de Physique de Rennes
Astrophysique de Laboratoire
Université de Rennes 1
Bureau 127/2, Bât. 11C, Campus de Beaulieu
35 042 Rennes cedex
SPARK Europe Webinar Series | 2nd April 2025 |4-5 pm (CET) | Regulatory considerations of C&G Therapies | Suzanne Einmahl | hosted by SPARK Zürich
Nově otevřené kurzy EDUC pro doktorandy s možností registrace v březnu 2025.